
ScoreApp Affiliate Commision Explained


Welcome to the ScoreApp Affiliate Program – where your commitment pays off! Our commission structure is straightforward yet rewarding, designed to celebrate your efforts and success. Whether you’re starting out or scaling up, our tiered system mirrors your growth, ensuring that your hard work translates into tangible rewards. Let’s embark on this journey to success together and explore how you can maximize your earnings with ScoreApp.

A reminder of the key benefits: 

  • Up to 40% Commission 
  • Regular monetary bonuses 
  • Lifetime commission 
  • 180 day cookie lifespan
  • 50% off the first month for your referrals
  • Commissions paid every 30 days

Commision Tiers

Standard Tier: As you start your journey with ScoreApp, you’re immediately eligible for a 20% commission on every referral. This is where every affiliate begins, securing commissions for up to 9 paying accounts.

Bronze Tier: As your referrals grow and you onboard between 10 to 49 paying accounts, you ascend to the Bronze tier, enjoying a 25% commission. It’s a significant bump that acknowledges your efforts in promoting ScoreApp to a broader audience.

Silver Tier: The Silver level kicks in once you’ve successfully referred between 50 to 99 paying accounts, awarding you with an even higher 30% commission. This tier represents affiliates who’ve shown consistent dedication and have truly tapped into the power of ScoreApp.

Gold Tier: As you near the pinnacle of the affiliate tiers, the Gold status is for those who’ve managed to bring in between 100 to 199 paying accounts. With this accomplishment comes a generous 35% commission.

Super Tier: The crème de la crème of ScoreApp affiliates achieve the Super status. With 200 or more paying accounts under your belt, you’re not only a top-performing affiliate but also enjoy a whopping 40% commission. It’s a testament to your expertise, dedication, and the solid relationship you’ve built with ScoreApp.

Lifetime Commision for active affiliate 

Lifetime commission is a rarity in the affiliate world but here at ScoreApp we want our partners to continue to share in the rewards of introducing and nurturing their referrals. 

This added benefit of the ScoreApp affiliate partner program can have a considerable impact on the compounding commission you receive over time. 

To be eligible for lifetime commission you must be an active affiliate. An active affiliate must refer to at least 4 paying customers over the course of a year to keep their active status. If an affiliate does not refer 4 paying customers in a year they will receive 12 months commission (as long as that referral is still a paying customer) and then their commissions will cease. 


Affiliate partners will be paid a percentage of their referrals subscription based on their active affiliate tier. To find out what tier you’re currently on, simply log into the Partner portal on the homepage. 

As ScoreApp is a monthly (or yearly) subscription service, affiliates receive recurring commission each month if they continue to pay for their subscription. 

Affiliates are paid on the referrals net subscription fee actually received by ScoreApp from a new customer. 

Payments to affiliate partners are calculated and made by ScoreApp 60 days from the date on which the referred new customer begins a paid subscription to ScoreApp’s services, with each commision payment thereafter to be made within 30 days.

If a customer’s subscription is terminated or the amount to be received by ScoreApp under the subscription changes, this will be automatically reflective 
If you’d like more information about how commissions are calculated, collected and paid you can view the Partnership Agreement here, under section 4.

About the author
Rebecca Hollis

Smarter Leads.
Smarter Conversations

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