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What Is Personalised Marketing? Key Aspects & Benefits

Jamie Page
Jamie Page
7 min read

Everyone is competing for your target audience’s attention online, and consumers are becoming more selective. So, how can you stand out and reach them?

By making your marketing messages super specific and relevant to them.

Let’s look at what personalised marketing means in practice and how you can start using it effectively!

Personalised marketing explained 

Personalised marketing is a strategy that involves tailoring a marketing message to each consumer’s needs, preferences or behaviours based on the data and insights you collect. That way, because it’s always relevant to that person and feels unique, it’s a lot more effective.

For example, personalised marketing could include:

  • A dynamic quiz lead magnet with different results based on someone’s answers
  • Separate email campaigns for each segment
  • Bespoke product recommendations based on someone’s browsing or purchasing behaviour 
  • And so on!

So, personalised marketing is different from traditional tactics that show the same message or campaign to everyone, like static PDF lead magnets or generic newsletters. 

Benefits of personalised marketing

Why should you consider personalised marketing for your business? Because you can expect:

  • Increased engagement – Personalised marketing speaks directly to each consumer, and we’re more likely to interact with something that’s relevant to us. In fact, 72% of customers only engage with marketing messages tailored to their interests!
  • Better customer experience – From relevant content to bespoke product recommendations and customised nurturing: personalised marketing can elevate your entire customer experience 
  • Higher conversion rates, ROI and revenueTargeted messages and offers are a lot more effective because you’re recommending something based on each customer’s situation! So, you can expect a 20% increase in sales 
  • Enhanced customer loyalty – By understanding your customers’ needs and putting them at the core of your marketing, you’ll make them feel valued and provide a better experience. This will improve their perception of your brand, satisfaction, and loyalty. No wonder 56% of consumers become repeat customers after a personalised experience
  • Improved customer insights – To personalise your marketing, you need to understand your customers, analyse their behaviours, and collect data. This can inform all your future campaigns and strategies, too

Personalising your marketing with a quiz

There are different personalised marketing tools, but quizzes are by far one of the most effective tactics. After all, what better way to tailor your marketing to someone’s situation than by asking them questions to understand it?

That’s why we created ScoreApp: to help more businesses attract warm leads, gain powerful insights, and increase sales through a personalised quiz marketing funnel.

That way, you can make all your communications, nurturing, offers and sales conversations SUPER relevant to each lead’s situation.

Personalise your marketing with a FREE ScoreApp quiz

Key aspects of personalised marketing

Here’s exactly what to focus on to make personalised marketing work for you.

Data collection

  • Customer behaviour data – Gather insights on how your audience interacts with your brand (for example, their purchase history, email engagement, website interactions or social media activity). Then, take that into consideration when planning your marketing for them 
  • Demographics and preferences – Collect data to uncover your audience’s needs and preferences (like their problems and goals) or other information that might be relevant to your business (such as their age, location or job role). Then, use it to personalise your marketing

ScoreApp quizzes are perfect for data collection: you get to ask strategic questions to your audience to really understand who they are and what they care about. 


  • Customer segmentation – Divide your subscribers and customers into different groups based on shared characteristics or behaviours (for example, first-time and repeat website visitors, high-value customers, frequent buyers, people experiencing the same pain point and so on)
  • Dynamic segmentation – Your customers’ situation can change. So, to keep your marketing personalised and relevant, update your segments regularly based on new and real-time data

A ScoreApp quiz will segment your participants automatically depending on their answers. You can choose to do that based on their highest- and lowest-scoring categories, overall percentage, their answers to a specific question, and much more… 

Personalised content

  • Website and web content personalisation – Provide a dynamic website experience based on each visitor’s situation and past interactions. For example, you could display different pop-ups, recently viewed items, personalised product recommendations or different landing pages
  • Email marketing – Go beyond using someone’s first name in your emails! Send different messages based on each subscriber’s behaviour or the data you have on them (from abandoned cart reminders to bespoke offers and separate nurturing sequences for each segment)

Not only will ScoreApp segment your subscribers for you, but you can also integrate your quiz with your email marketing platform and set up separate automated sequences for each group. 

That way, all your communications will be relevant and personalised for each subscriber based on their answers. For example, you could send targeted sales enablement content to tackle their misconceptions about your industry, offers that match their goals or an invitation to get on a call to discuss their quiz results.

Behavioural targeting

  • Targeted ads – Instead of showing the same generic ad to everyone, use your customer data to create different and more relevant campaigns. That way, your audience will see the right ad variation based on their previous interactions with your brand
  • Retargeting – Re-engage the website visitors or subscribers who showed an interest in your brand, product or services but didn’t follow through with that action. This could involve personalised ads, offers, and emails that reference their previous touchpoint

For example, with ScoreApp, you can contact the participants who signed up for your quiz lead magnet but didn’t complete it, compelling them to re-engage with it.

Dynamic product recommendations

  • E-commerce – Don’t overwhelm your website visitors or subscribers with all kinds of random offers: focus on those that would be relevant to them. This can be based on their previous interactions (like their browsing history and past purchases) or preferences. For example, you could upsell or cross-sell some accessories that complement a recent purchase
  • Content platforms – You could suggest articles, videos, courses or resources based on an individual’s behaviour and consumption patterns (for example, “Because you enjoyed [resource X], we think you’d benefit from [resource Y], too”)

You can use a ScoreApp quiz to identify the best products or services for each participant. For example, think of a lead magnet along the lines of “Find your next summer read” for an online bookstore or “What’s holding you back in business?” for a coach offering different levels of support. 

Then, depending on their answers and your business model, you could send emails with relevant recommendations or invite them on a call to talk about the perfect service to solve their problem.

Customer journey mapping

  • Lifecycle marketing – Successful marketing is about showing the right message to the right person at the right time. So, you should personalise it based on their current stage of the customer journey, too (from awareness to retention). For example, you could create a welcome series for new subscribers and a different email sequence with exclusive offers for repeat customers

There are so many ways to achieve this with ScoreApp

For example, you can choose to have different quizzes as starting points (such as one as your main lead magnet and one to get feedback after a purchase). You can also ask questions to understand someone’s level of awareness and whether or not they’ve tried your products or services before, triggering different email sequences.

Make your marketing more personalised and effective with a ScoreApp quiz

To stand out online and get your target audience to engage with your brand, start personalising your marketing messages and interactions.

With ScoreApp, you can take this to the next level:

  • Impress your potential customers with a compelling quiz lead magnet
  • Ask strategic questions to collect a tonne of data on them
  • Segment them based on their answers
  • Set up different automated sequences for each group
  • Nurture them in a more relevant and effective way
  • Send personalised recommendations, or invite them on a call with a message referencing their quiz results
  • Elevate your customer experience, and sell more

Ready to reap the benefits of personalised marketing? Create your ScoreApp quiz today and for FREE.

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