Chief Marketing Officer
3 Jun, 2023
The best B2B lead magnets do a lot more than just getting “more email subscribers”! High-performing lead magnets bring you...
22 May, 2023
You’ve probably heard that quizzes can be a powerful tool to grow your email list and get more leads –...
16 May, 2023
There’s no denying the power of LinkedIn, especially for B2B companies. In fact, Linkedin continuously outperforms Facebook and Twitter combined...
10 May, 2023
Nailing your quiz concept is difficult. Deciding what kind of quiz you should create is tricky, and it’s easy to...
30 Apr, 2023
How many times per week do you tweet about your quiz or scorecard on Twitter? Once or twice…if that? Twitter...
24 Apr, 2023
If you are a financial planner, advisor, or money coach then you’ll need a way to attract new leads into...
16 Apr, 2023
So you want to build a quiz for your business… Good choice, quizzes are a great way to drive data-rich...
7 Apr, 2023
If you want to generate more leads, launching an online quiz is a great idea. Lead generation quizzes are interactive,...
5 Apr, 2023
Let’s face it. Business coaching is pretty competitive. There are so many coaching options for your audience to choose from...