Customer Stories

Capture hundreds more leads, like Rupert

If you own a company with a bit of a complex offering, the term “elevator pitch” probably makes you want to scream. 

You have an incredible service that really helps people, but it’s hard explaining that without spending hours on 121s 🤦

For founder of Ethics Insight, Rupert Evill, the core issue was helping potential customers understand how his company could make their lives better. 

Potential clients were unsure where to start when it came to risk assessment. The ambiguity around the initial steps of working together often left both Rupert and visitors overwhelmed. 

It can be a little bit daunting for people to know what exactly I can do to help them,” Rupert says. 

The goal: a highly customisable, clunk-free assessment builder 

With a background in investigations and risk management, Rupert recognised the need for a more effective way to guide clients. 

Enter ScoreApp, the only tool that hit the Venn diagram sweet spot 🍬:

A sleek, non-cumbersome quiz builder that offers deep customisation and tailored results for assessment-takers. 

Rupert created a couple of assessments with ScoreApp that send visitors to the right service page right away. 

“It looks slick. There’s multiple different options in the way you can ask questions that don’t exist in other kinds of survey tools out there. 

You can generate this customised, bespoke report to the user that they derive significant value from.”

The benefits are multifold: 

  • Rupert’s assessments include super effective, quick-to-create landing pages that showcase his expertise from the jump
  • Potential clients understand exactly what Ethics Insight can do for them – through a few quick, thoughtful, fun questions
  • Rupert gets a thorough idea of incoming client’s individual needs without having to spend hours on intro 121s
  • A continuous flow of quality leads that have upped Rupert’s sales dramatically 

Make your offering immediately understandable and instantly exciting with a bespoke lead funnel (you can build a quiz, sign-up page, mini-quiz, evaluation – whatever you fancy, really) and split quiz-takers via dynamic results. 

You can learn how to build a 1-2-1 scorecard to help streamline your business or start using our newest 1-2-1 template now.

About the author
Georgia Brisco
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