
Comparing Funnel Builders: Which Should You Choose?

Comparing Funnel Builders: Which Should You Choose?

Unfortunately, potential customers don’t just conveniently jump into the top of our sales funnel and glide smoothly to conversion, no matter how carefully we construct it. Most businesses have different audience segments with individual needs and pain points, so arrive at your offering from different directions.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all sales funnel situation any more – whether you’re in a B2C or B2B industry. You need to meet your prospects at all the key points as they navigate their customer journey. From when they first start to research the product or service, to answering those last-minute niggles that prevent the final click to ‘buy now’. You need to be everything, everywhere, all at once.

As Ferguson Enterprises chief marketing officer, Victoria Morrissey said to McKinsey: “The power of true omnichannel is understanding all the channels our customers use, and how they want to use them, throughout their entire journey. If you don’t understand what that journey is, you can’t provide the right information at the right time.”

And that’s where sales funnel builders come in. 

What makes a great sales funnel builder?

As you start your research into which sales funnel builder is right for your business, the options can quickly become overwhelming. There’s a wonderful array of platforms with brilliant designs and features. But you need to avoid the temptation of all the bells and whistles and start with where you are. 

How are you creating and managing your sales funnels right now? What do you want to change or add? Do you need to improve lead generation, or is it the sales section of the funnel that’s sprung a leak?

Before you start writing a shortlist, you need to be clear on what you want your sales funnel builder to do. Everyone operates within budget constraints, here are some other key considerations to help you choose a great funnel builder for your business.

  • Ease of use: Give the free trial a whirl. Is it an intuitive interface? Do the supporting materials make sense? Can you get help if you need it, in the way you want it?
  • Customisable templates: Drag-and-drop editing tools that help you customise well-designed templates easily. Can you change all the text? Is there a free library of high-quality images included? Can you upload your own? Can you brand things up with your colours, fonts and logo? 
  • Integration: Is this tool compatible with the rest of your tech stack?
  • Automation: Can you automate several campaigns across multiple channels simultaneously? How easy is this to do?
  • Testing potential: Can you A/B test different messaging and designs to find the ones that resonate most with your audience? 
  • Tracking and analysis: Does this funnel builder analyse the metrics you need in a way that can be used to make business-critical decisions?
  • Storage: What’s the capacity?
  • Scalability: If your business grows, can this tool scale to keep up?
  • Security: Is there a robust content protection policy? What happens to your information if you want to switch to a different provider? 

When do you need a sales funnel builder? 

Are you asking yourself any of these questions? 

  • How can we streamline all the stages of our sales funnel in one place?
  • How do we increase the personalisation of our campaigns to connect with each audience segment? 
  • Can we automate more of our lead generation process?
  • Can we collect more in-depth metrics that give us actionable insights into our customers and campaign performance?
  • Is there a quicker way to remove the barriers to purchase on our customers’ various journeys?

If you are, then you need a sales funnel builder. A good sales funnel builder gives you one place to create and manage targeted sales journeys. If you’re designing the various elements of your sales terrain in different places, you know that their smooth integration takes time and money. One platform removes this friction and helps you understand your customers better, develop laser-focused marketing campaigns, increase lead generation, and convert more sales.   

The question now is, ‘Which sales funnel builder is best for my business?’ 

Here’s our rundown of the top sales funnel builders to kick off your research. We’ve picked out their star quality, summarised who is best served by each tool, listed pros and cons, and listed their price packages. We’re including the monthly billing option, the cost is always reduced if you choose annual billing. Most of the platforms also offer a top-end ‘custom price’ for large companies. 



Active Campaign is a popular sales automation, email marketing and CRM software. This platform helps you make data-based decisions about your campaigns’ effectiveness with advanced analytics and reporting capabilities.

Star Quality 

You can create, automate and track different types of email campaigns including autoresponder, broadcast, triggered, scheduled, transactional, and targeted emails. These campaigns are fully integrated across the CRM and sales engagement tools in the software. 

Is it for you?

Yes: If your company has a big contacts list and sends a high number of emails, ActiveCampaign is good value.

No: If you have a small email list. 


ActiveCampaign has 3 different pricing plans. ‘Marketing’ is just email and automated marketing, ‘Sales’ is CRM and sales engagement, and ‘Bundles’ is a combination of the two. We’ve listed the 3 levels of Bundles pricing, at the monthly billing cost.

Free: 14 day trial on sign-up

Plus: $116, 5 users, 12 contact email send limit, 1,000 marketing contacts

Professional: $482, 10 users, 15 contact email send limit, 2,500 marketing contacts

Enterprise: $918, 15 users, 20 contact email senders, 2,500 marketing contacts

Customer support

Email or live chat 24/7


  • Email marketing: Personalisation and segmenting of your audience based on behaviour, engagement or previous interactions.
  • Marketing automation: Tailored, automated workflows from nurturing leads all the way through the funnel to fostering post-sale retention. Lead scoring to identify the most promising leads based on their interactions with your forms, emails and website. 
  • Easy to use: Drag and drop features for non-experts to create landing pages, forms and complex workflows.
  • Integration: Designed to work with popular CRMs, third-party tools and e-commerce platforms to give you a joined-up way to manage leads. 
  • Reporting and analytics: You get a breadth of insights into campaign performance with advanced tracking, data collection and analysis. 


  • Pricing: The cost of ActiveCampaign can be too high a proportion of the overall budget for SMEs, particularly as they scale up and grow their email list. It’s not necessarily the best value for money, if you don’t need the full integration. 
  • Design options: You don’t get the full range of advanced customisation options that are available with specialised landing page builders. The styling of forms might need some extra work to make sure they look like your brand. 
  • Steep learning curve: The amount of features and automation setup can be overwhelming at the start. New users need to be prepared to invest quite a bit of time in understanding the platform.



GrowSurf is a referral programme software that speeds up development time and automates your entire referral programme from start to finish. 

Star Quality

Everything you need to create and run referral marketing campaigns – with minimal input from your engineering team. The whole process is automated, from unique link generation for each user, to reward fulfilment. And you get all the lovely data you need to track success.

Is it for you?

Yes: If you’ve got your marketing strategy in place, want to explore the potential of referrals to boost customer acquisition, and are in the Saas, FInTech, Insurtech, Edutech, or B2C sectors

No: If your industry or business doesn’t lend itself to referral marketing schemes, you have a small email list or are in the e-commerce, service or retail industries. 


  • Free trial: 14 days access to all business plan integrations and features. No credit card is needed. You can downgrade to the Startup plan at the end of the trial period, but lose the additional Business plan features.
  • Startup: $450 10,000 participants, 2 campaigns, 2 team members
  • Business: $650, 25,000 participants, 5 campaigns, 5 team members  
  • Elite: $1050, 75,000 participants, 20 campaigns, 10 team members 

Customer support

Email, live chat


  • Automated referral programme management: simplifies customer advocacy and makes word-of-mouth marketing easier to scale. Customisable incentives boost engagement by helping you tailor your messaging to each of your audiences. 
  • Integration: GrowSurf streamlines your data flow by integrating with most major marketing platforms and CRMs. 
  • Ease of use: Even without technical know-how, you can set up and launch referral campaigns using GrowSurf’s intuitive interface. 
  • Analytics and Tracking: Specific analysis of top advocates, how many times your participants shared on social media and conversion rates give you the insights you need as you track the success of your campaigns. 
  • Price accessibility: The range of pricing packages gives good value at different levels of usage.


  • Limited features: GrowSurf isn’t the place to build a whole sales funnel within one platform. Its specialism is referral campaigns and, while it integrates with many other systems, it doesn’t include complex email marketing campaigns or advanced landing page builder tools.
  • Limitations to customisation: There are limits to how much you can customise the look of the forms and basic landing pages for your referral programmes.
  • Scalability: The top price package at GrowSurf is limited to 20 participants, If you grow to over 300,000 users, you need to investigate their Enterprise option which allows unlimited participants at a bespoke price. 
  • Learning Curve: As you need more advanced referral campaigns, you’ll need to invest more time and testing to achieve the results you want. 



Zendesk is a leader in the online help desk space. It aims to be an omnichannel tool that has customer experience as its main driver – helping you become a CX expert.

Star Quality

Zendesk gives you one place where all the ways your customers can contact you are integrated together. It also makes the most of the data insights these customer interactions provide. 

Is it for you?

Yes: Particularly if you’re an enterprise-sized company that will get all the value from Zendesk’s bigger scope.

No: Especially if you’re a smaller business with a more restricted budget.


Free trial: 14 days

Zendesk divides its packages into Zendesk for Service and Zendesk for Sales – so you need to go through the plans to see which is the best fit for your business needs. Both have the free trial option.

Zendesk for service includes things like a help centre, messaging, voice, AI agent and ticketing.

  • Suite Team: £59, 1 agent
  • Suite Growth: £99, 1 agent
  • Suite Professional: £115, 1 agent

Zendesk for sales includes customisable sales pipelines.

  • Sell Team: £20, up to 2 customisable pipelines
  • Sell Growth: £59, up to 10 customisable pipelines
  • Sell Professional: up to 20 customisable pipelines

Customer support

Help centre live chat,  24/7


  • Ease of use: clean design, intuitive interface makes it easy to use, right from the start
  • Comprehensive CRM: track your leads from interest to sale, automate routine sales tasks, sales engagement tools. Unifying sales and customer support tools in one place encourages internal collaboration between teams. 
  • Integrations: Zendesk has built-in interactions with a wide range of other platforms and apps, including email providers. 
  • Customisation: you don’t need to overhaul your existing processes, create custom workflows and pipelines to suit you. 
  • Tracking and reporting: analysis of your full sales pipeline that gives a clear line of sight from your sales metrics towards your goals and data-based forecasting.


  • Marketing features: more limited marketing creation and automation than other funnel builders.
  • Learning curve: Users with no prior knowledge of using a CRM system may need to invest more time at the start.
  • Integrations: some difficulty integrating with less commonly used third-party tools. 



Wishpond is a marketing platform with a range of marketing tools and built-in automation. 

Star Quality

Excellent range of templates for landing pages, website popups, social media contests and competitions like sweepstakes and Instagram hashtag contests. 

Is it for you?

Yes: If you’re an SME that creates a variety of different types of lead magnets and you want support at the design stage – and to streamline your pipeline. 


Wishpond has a 14 day free trial.

Their pricing page is a landing page that only allows you to book a demo appointment with one of their specialists to discuss pricing options.

Customer support

Email, live chat, phone


  • Everything in one place: landing pages, email campaigns, and lead management all in one platform and with A/B testing capability. 
  • Drag-and-drop editing: selection of easy-to-use templates for a wide variety of forms and landing pages.
  • Integration: Wishpond integrates with most main CRMs and other marketing tools to streamline your data flow.
  • Lead management and segmentation: Features that let you segment based on demographics, behaviour and campaign interaction. 
  • Reporting and analytics: You get reports on your campaign performance which help you find the best strategies and identify the warmest leads.


  • Learning curve: Because there are so many different available features, it can be tricky to navigate the platform when you first start. 
  • Customisation: Email and landing page templates have limited customisation choices. 
  • Feature depth: Features like lead scoring and automation aren’t as in-depth as other, specialist platforms. 
  • Customer service: There seems to be some inconsistency in customer support responsiveness and technical assistance. 
  • Email Delivery: Some issues with the deliverability of emails have negatively affected the success of some users’ campaigns. 
  • Pricing: Lack of pricing transparency makes it difficult to add Wishpond to your shortlist with all the necessary facts. 



CartFlows is a sales funnel tool specifically for users who want to create sales funnels on their WordPress websites.

Star quality

This is a great option for WordPress users to plug in a fully optimised sales funnel to their WordPress environment. It’s compatible with WooCommerce and takes the customisation of your online store beyond its limitations.  

Is it for you?

Yes: If you have an existing WordPress website in which you want to incorporate a fully functioning sales funnel. Particularly good for new online shop owners who want to create simple but effective sales funnels without being bamboozled with unnecessary features in more advanced funnel building software. 

No: If you don’t have a WooCommerce business and don’t need this WordPress specific tech. 


  • 14 day money back guarantee, no free trial
  • Cartflows Starter: $99 per year, 1 website
  • Cartflowes Plus: $189 per year, up to 10 websites
  • Cartflows Pro: $299, up to 30 websites 

Customer support

Message-based ticketing system for technical support

Email for general enquiries


  • WordPress Integration: As CarFlows is purpose-built for WordPress, it slots in perfectly with your existing WordPress world.
  • WooCommerce Compatibility: You get all the features you need to maximise your shop’s potential including A/B split testing, order bumps, one-click, and upsells.
  • Ease of use: The combination of pre-designed funnel building and checkout page templates, alongside drag-and-drop editing tools makes it quick and easy for new users.
  • Value for money: If you’re already using WordPress, this is more cost-effective than needing to buy entirely separate funnel building software.


  • Only for WordPress: This isn’t for you if you use any other CRM
  • Dependence on plugins: There may be some performance issues relating to using multiple plugins simultaneously. 
  • Customisation: CartFlows gives you much more scope for customisation than WooCommerce, but is more limited than other sales funnel builders. 
  • Analytics: You may want to add further plugins to get deeper insights that go beyond the built-in analytics.
  • Support: Considered less responsive than other platforms with dedicated customer service.
  • Learning Curve: If you’re not familiar with WordPress, new users may find the setup tricky. 

Keap (formerly Infusionsoft)


Keap is a marketing, service, sales, operations and CRM platform that’s designed for the needs of small businesses. 

Star quality

A one-stop shop for combined CRM, payment processing, and automated marketing that helps small businesses streamline their sales funnels. 

Is it for you?

Yes: If you’re a small business, in any industry, and you want to streamline operations to support business growth. 

No: If you’re a large business with more complex needs.


14 day free trial, no credit card required

Pro: $299, 2 users, 1500 contacts

Max: $399, 3 users, 2500 contacts

Ultimate: $599, 3 users, 2500 contacts 

Customer support

US-based phone support and 24/7 chat 


  • Centralised CRM: See each lead’s journey through your funnel through the centralised information, interaction and data collection. 
  • Marketing automation: Sophisticated marketing automation tools, helping you automate follow-up emails, texts, lead scoring, and workflows – based on client actions.
  • Payment processing: Built-in payment processing makes it easy for you to manage invoices and collect payments, all in the one place. 
  • Easy to use: Drag and drop editing to build out landing pages and forms that you can tailor to your prospects.
  • Lead management: Boost the effectiveness of marketing campaigns by using the lead segmentation and tagging features that are based on customer demographics and behaviour. 
  • Reporting and analytics: Refine strategies using insights from key metrics – all gathered automatically. 


  • Cost: Considering this is aimed at smaller businesses, it carries a comparatively big price tag, which may be beyond the budget of startups.
  • Learning curve: It’s an advanced platform with a lot of features, which requires a decent amount of time investment at the start. 
  • Limits to customisation: The level of customisation for landing pages and forms isn’t as wide as other available tools. 
  • Performance problems: Occasional customer reports of glitches or slowness using Keap, which negatively impacts the user experience. 

Overview is a funnel builder that helps you create an engaging customer journey for all your prospects with strong tools to create interactive lead magnets. 

Star quality 

You can generate and qualify leads with engaging interactive content like surveys, quizzes and calculators as part of your complete sales funnel. 

Is it for you? 

Yes: If you’re particularly looking to improve lead generation.

No: If your industry doesn’t typically use more interactive content like quizzes or surveys. 


  • Free: 3 live projects, 100 submissions per month, 30 day retention
  • Personal: $99 per year, 3 live projects, 250 submissions, 180 day retention
  • Basic: $49 per month, 5 live projects, 1,000 submissions, 3,000 email invites
  • Pro: $99 per month, 15 live projects, 5,000 submissions, 15,000 email invites
  • Business $199 per month, 30 live projects, 15,000 submissions, 45,000 email invites
  • Agency: $399 per month, 100 live projects, 30,000 submissions, 90,000 email invites

Customer Support

Live chat, or raise a ticket by email


  • Interactive content: specialises in tools for designing your own calculators, surveys, quizzes and other interactive forms to really engage prospects, increase lead generation and qualify them as part of the process. 
  • Integrations: integrates well with many popular email marketing platforms and CRMs.
  • Ease of use: Good range of customisable templates for different stages of your sales funnel and non-expert level editing tools. 
  • Price: Really affordable pricing plans, particularly for solo business owners, it’s easy to find the right fit for your business needs.
  • Reporting and analytics: Insights into the performance of different parts of your sales funnel and user behaviour help you tweak your content to drive conversion rates even higher.  


  • Limited marketing features: No comprehensive CRM functionality or other marketing features, like email automation. 
  • Design flexibility: All the templates are customisable, but they’re not as flexible as more advanced sales funnel builders. 
  • Customer support: Not always as quick a response as users expect. 



Kartra doesn’t just build sales funnels. It’s an all-in-one marketing platform where you can create landing pages, automate email sequences, host videos, manage marketing campaigns, design forms and run affiliate programmes. 

Star Quality

Karta’s complete range of tools, automation capabilities and integration approach make it a strong choice if you want one platform for everything. No add-ons or other tools necessary!

Is it for you?

Yes: If you’re ready to invest in one platform for everything.

No: If you want to continue to use your existing tools alongside Karta.


  • 30 day free trial when you sign up for a plan
  • Starter: $89, 1 domain, 5 team members
  • Growth: $229, 3 domains, 10 team members
  • Professional $549, 5 domains, 20 team members 

Customer support

24/7 ticket or chat support


  • Everything in one platform: Kartra is the Swiss army knife of automated platforms, eliminating the need for several different tools to work together. You get landing pages, email marketing, CRM, membership site and e-commerce features altogether – as well as comprehensive sales funnel building. 
  • Sales funnel builder: You can easily create a sales funnel, from lead magnet to checkout, with simple drag-and-drop editing tools. 
  • Analytics and reporting: Every step of your leads’ journey is captured and transformed into data insights that you can use to build deeper connections with personalisation, target your messaging with a laser focus, and track conversion rates. 
  • Integrations: Kartra integrates with popular third-party apps, so you don’t have to go all in right at the start. 


  • Learning curve: You need to take some time to fully understand all the advanced features on the platform. 
  • Cost: Packages may be too expensive for startups or small businesses, particularly as your contact list starts to grow. 
  • Customer support: Some users report infrequent delays in getting help in a timely manner. 



Leadpages is a tool for creating landing pages and mobile responsive websites that also helps you build your sales funnel. 

Star quality

Leadpages gives you unlimited lead conversion. That means no extra costs for additional landing pages, traffic, funnels, or conversions. 

Is it for you? 

Yes: If you want to create conversion-optimised websites and landing pages quickly. 

No: If you prefer a one-platform solution. For example, Leadpages doesn’t include email marketing. 


  • 14 day free trial when you sign up to one of their packages
  • Standard: $49, 1 custom domain
  • Pro: $99, 3 custom domains
  • Advanced: bespoke pricing, up to 50 custom domains

Customer support

Detailed email form


  • Easy to use: You don’t need technical skills or coding knowledge to use the simple drag-and-drop editor and an array of templates to create your landing pages. 
  • Optimisation tools: You can use tools at different points in your sales funnel like alert bars, pop-ups, Calendly embed widgets, and A/B testing. 
  • Integration: Simple integration with email marketing, webinar platforms and CRMs.
  • Cost: Reasonably priced plans that are accessible for startups and small businesses.


  • Not comprehensive: Leadpages doesn’t have the full suite of marketing features, meaning you have to buy separate tools for things like email automation. 
  • Limited customisation: It’s a really user-friendly editing tool, but there isn’t the same level of customisable features as more advanced sales funnel builders. 



Convertkit is primarily an email marketing platform, with landing page design and other sales funnel features, designed for online creators and small businesses. 

Star quality

Perfect for growing your email list or at the early stages of turning your online presence into an income stream. 

Is it for you?

Yes: If you’re a digital creator or small business looking for a tool to support email marketing.

No: If you want more comprehensive CRM capabilities to create end-to-end sales funnels, or are a large business. 


  • Free: Up to 1,000 subscribers, 6 features
  • Creator: $15, up to 300 subscribers, all but 4 features
  • Creator Pro: $29, up to 300 subscribers, all features 

ConvertKit pricing page includes a sliding scale at the top, so you can see how the cost changes depending on how many email subscribers you’re starting with. The prices above are the minimum cost if you’re starting your email list from scratch. 

Customer support

Email, live chat


  • Unrestricted volume: Unlimited landing pages, forms and broadcasts, even on the free plan. 
  • Learning curve: Really easy to create and manage campaigns without a lot of time investment.
  • Integration: integrates well with third-party apps and CRMs
  • Email automation: Tailored, triggered email sequences managed by reliable email automation. 
  • Email deliverability: ConvertKit is known for having high deliverability rates, so you know emails are landing in your prospects’ inboxes.


  • Email design: Simple creation tools are great for speed, but don’t have the more detailed options of other platforms. 
  • No advanced features: You’re not getting the in-depth analytics or omnichannel marketing you’ll find in more advanced funnel builders. 
  • Cost: The price can ramp up quickly, as your email list grows, which may make it less cost-effective when you consider the features it lacks. 
  • No CRM: ConvertKit integrates well with popular CRMs, but the fact that it doesn’t have a built-in CRM system means you might need to buy extra lead management tools. 



ConvertFlow is a funnel builder made for e-commerce businesses. You can design, test and personalise your sales funnel using the range of interactive features. 

Star Quality

The huge range of personalisation elements that are tailored specifically for e-commerce businesses to capture more leads and conversions. 

Is it for you? 

Yes: If you’re an e-commerce company that wants a way to personalise your sales funnels and boost conversions with data insights. 

No: If you want an all-in-one multi-channel marketing platform.


  • Free: Build and preview funnels, up to 5 pages and campaigns, pay to take them live
  • Funnels: $29 per website, up to 10 pages and campaigns, 10,000 monthly views
  • Pro: $99 per website, up to 25 pages and campaigns, 30,000 monthly views
  • Advanced: $300 per website, unlimited pages and campaigns, 100,000 monthly views

Customer support

Email, live chat


  • Customisable funnel elements: Including pop-ups, sticky bars, quizzes, embedded CTAs, product recommendations, cart upsells, forms, landing pages and cross-sells. 
  • High level of personalisation: customisable elements, A/B testing, automated segmentation, and detailed analytics give you the opportunity to create customer journeys that really convert. 
  • Collaboration: Tools make it easier for marketing teams to work together on campaigns. 


  • Cost: As your visitor numbers increase, so does the cost, which may take it out of the small business’s price range quite quickly. 
  • Focus on website elements: This isn’t a multi-purpose marketing channel. Features like email automation aren’t included. 



Drift is a conversational marketing platform, specialising in using chatbots and live chat to engage customers in real-time.

Star quality

Excellent capability using AI-powered tools to interact with, learn from and convert your customers through real-time conversations. 

Is it for you? 

Yes: If you’re ready to invest in ramping up the live chat experience for your customers. 

No: If you’re on a more limited budget. 


The only one of the 3 plans that’s costed is their Premium package for small businesses, which starts at $2,500 per month, billed annually. The Advanced package has listed features, but no price tag. The Enterprise package is entirely custom-built. 

Customer support

Live chat (unsurprisingly!) and email ticketing system. 


  • Personalised lead capture: Live chat and chatbots deliver immediate engagement, ability to use information from previous interactions, and ask qualifying questions. 
  • Multi-channel engagement: Improves customer reach by meeting prospects on their preferred channel.
  • Easy to use: You don’t need to have technical knowledge to use this chatbot builder.
  • Sale enablement: Sale teams can use real-time information to deliver more targeted and effective follow-ups.
  • Reporting and analytics: Interesting insights into conversation quality, chatbot performance and engagement rates so you can continually optimise your campaigns. 


  • Cost: This is a considerable investment, especially for the advanced features like custom chatbots. 
  • Learning time: First time users will need to invest some time to design and run chatbots that lead useful conversations. 
  • Not a full funnel platform: Lead management features focus on lead capture and engagement. It doesn’t have the full range of elements other CRM systems use to manage the whole funnel. 


Mailchimp marketing platform


MailChimp is a well-known marketing platform that specialises in email marketing and automation. 

Star quality

Robust email marketing that’s easy to use in a straightforward sales funnel. 

Is it for you? 

Yes: If you want a simple, affordable sales funnel builder that has good email features.

No: If you’re looking for a platform that can manage more complex sales funnels. 


  • Free for 1 month, 1,000 email sends
  • Essentials: £10.32, 5,000 monthly email sends
  • Standard: £15.86, 6,000 monthly email sends
  • Premium: £277.54, 150,000 monthly email sends

This is based on the lowest limit of 500 contacts on your email list. The price increases with the number of people on your list. This is easy to calculate using the sliding scale on the pricing page. 

Customer service

Live chat or email


  • Drag-and-drop editor: easy to create landing pages, forms and emails in a wide range of templates without tech expertise.
  • Automation: Various marketing automation tools like triggered email sequences and audience segmentation.
  • Reporting and analytics: All your basic metrics like click-through rates, open rate and customer engagement 
  • Multiple channels: You can use MailChimp to engage across multiple channels including digital ads and postcards and social media. 
  • Cost: The free plan allows you to properly investigate if this is the right funnel builder for you. 


  • No advanced features: You’re not getting the advanced customisation and automation features you get with more sophisticated platforms. 
  • E-commerce features: The basic e-commerce features included in MailChimp might not match your requirements if you have complex product catalogues. 



ClickFunnels is a globally known sales funnel builder. You can build your full sales funnel from landing page to checkout and thank-you emails.  

Star quality

Comprehensive range of tools and templates to help businesses streamline and scale their sales funnels. 

Is it for you? 

Yes: If you want to keep your sales funnel building on one platform.

No: If you’ve a more limited budget.


  • Free trial: 14 days
  • Basic: $147, 1 website, 20 funnels, 3 users, 1 domain
  • Pro: $197, 1 website, 100 funnels, 5 users, 3 domains
  • Funnel Hacker: $297, 3 websites, unlimited funnels, 15 users, 9 domains

Customer service: 

Email 24/7, 1-2 hours response time during business hours.

Live chat, 3am-8pm EST, weekdays


  • Complete funnel: The suite of tools helps you manage the entire funnel process, including email marketing, payment processing, membership sites, affiliate sites, and webinars. 
  • Easy to use: library of pre-built templates for different industries and purposes drag-and-drop editor, and A/B testing to optimise your designs. 


  • Cost: This is a high price tag compared to similar tools that may be out of the reach of small businesses and startups. 
  • Learning time: There’s a steep learning curve to figure out how to use this comprehensive range of functions.



Demio is primarily a webinar platform that helps you connect with your audiences through automated and live webinars. 

Star quality

Webinar-specific engagement tool that helps you deliver great experiences and glean all the wisdom from the data insights they reveal. 

Is it for you? 

Yes: If webinars are part of your marketing strategy.

No: If you’re not intending to create webinars for your business. 


  • 14 day free trial, no credit card
  • Starter: $59, single host, max. 50 attendees
  • Growth: $109, per host, 150 attendees – this amount rises if you choose a higher number of attendees
  • Premium: This is only available as an annual payment, which works out at $184 per month


  • Webinar focused: tailored tools for live and automated webinars
  • No tech expertise needed: Intuitive interface makes it easy for you to set up, customise and manage webinars 
  • Lead generation: Getting your attendees into the sales funnel is supported by a range of options like registration pages, forms and post-webinar follow-ups. And there are automated analytic insights to make strategic decisions. 
  • Multiple presenters: The platform supports multi-presenters so you can run panel discussions and collaborative webinars if that’s the best format for your audiences.  


  • Limited features: Outside the webinar speciality, this doesn’t have broader marketing features. There’s no comprehensive landing page builder or detailed CRM functionality. 
  • Cost: Given its singular focus, this may be too expensive for smaller businesses, especially if you want the premium plan features. 
  • Customisation: There are more limits to customisation of template designs than you find on other platforms.



Kajabi is a platform designed for knowledge-based businesses. It helps them market and sell online courses, digital products and subscription memberships.  

Star quality

This is for businesses who want to turn followers and fans into customers – people with digital assets that they want to monetise. 

Is it for you?

Yes: If you’re a creator looking for an all-in-one place to build your sales funnels.

No: If you’re a very large enterprise.  


  • Free trial: 14 days
  • Kickstarter: $69, 1 product, 1 funnel, 250 contacts
  • Basic: $149, 3 products, 3 funnels, 10,000 contacts
  • Growth:  $199, 15 products, 15 funnels, 25,000 contacts
  • Pro: $399, 100 products, 100 funnels, 100,000 contacts 


  • Everything in one place: You’ve got everything you need on one, easy to use platform including course creation, landing pages, email marketing, and membership management.
  • Course creation: As a specialist platform, the features are designed to make the creation and selling of courses as straightforward as possible. 
  • Integrations: Kajabi integrates well with popular payment gateways and email platforms, so you have no glitches in your customers’ journeys. 
  • Analysis and reporting: You get useful insights into student progress, campaign performance and conversion rates.


  • Customisation limits: The templates are professional and easy to use, but are not as customisable as a more advanced tool.
  • E-commerce: Kajabi’s e-commerce features are suitable for digital products, but not scalable to include physical products. 

Get Response 


GetResponse is a marketing platform known for its email marketing and marketing automation and e-commerce marketing. It’s a good one-stop shop to build and manage sales funnels. 

Star quality

Comprehensive toolbox with many integrations and webinar features. 

Is it for you?

Yes: If you have the budget to invest in a platform that can manage a broad range of your sales funnel requirements. 

No: If you’re unlikely to use the full scope of GetResponse’s offering. 


  • Free: 30 day trial – access to premium features
  • Email marketing: £10.70
  • Marketing automation: £36.10
  • E-commerce marketing: £73

These monthly prices are based on a contacts list of 1,000. They go up concurrently with a larger list size. This is easy to calculate with the tool on their pricing page. 

Customer support

Email: 24/7, 8 different languages

Live chat:24/7 in English, 9am-5pm in Polish


  • Comprehensive funnel building solution: This is one platform for email marketing, landing pages, webinars and automation. No other tools necessary. 
  • Marketing automation: Strong automation features that help you nurture leads with targeted email sequences and behaviour-based triggers. 
  • Webinar hosting: Add another layer to your funnel with GetResponse’s built-in webinar hosting capabilities. 


  • Learning time: There’s a lot to take onboard for new users and it takes time to learn the best way to use all the tools and automations. 
  • Cost: The price tag goes up as your contact list grows, or you add additional features to your plan. This might make it quickly unsustainable for businesses with smaller marketing budgets. 
  • E-commerce features: There aren’t the advanced features you need to manage complicated sales processes or physical product inventories. 



ScoreApp helps you increase sales by generating warm leads and powerful insights using its AI-driven quiz marketing funnel. 

Star features

A tool that truly puts your customers at the heart of your campaign strategies. ScoreApp helps you create personalised quizzes and assessments that are customised to connect with each audience segment. These lead magnets are highly engaging because they’re based on your expert knowledge of your markets and offer immediate value to the participant. This laser-focused marketing gets you more conversions and sales. 

Is it for you? 

Yes: If you’re a freelancer, SMEs, or global company.

No: If you only prefer to use traditional lead magnets.


  • Free: £0, 1 live scorecard, 10 responses
  • Starter: £29 per month, 3 live scorecards, 100 responses, 1 user
  • Business: £59 per month, 10 live scorecards, 1000 responses, 3 users
  • Pro: £99 per month, 30 live scorecards, 3000 responses, 5 users

Customer Support

Live chat with a product specialist, 9am – 5pm UK time


  • Personalised lead generation: Higher lead generation conversion rates through interactive, interesting assessments and quizzes (not the usual ‘download a PDF’ lead magnets). Users get personalised results they can action immediately, giving them real value and boosting their satisfaction.
  • Get more qualified leads: ScoreApp software automatically qualifies prospects based on the results of their answers. It’s an absolute goldmine of data for really understanding your different customer segments,
  • Customisation: Brand it up with your logos and tailor each section to your ideal audience with your written voice. 
  • Easy to use: We’ve built this for you, so you can create all the elements of your campaign funnel with no coding or technical knowledge. 
  • Integrations: ScoreApp connects with your existing tools and popular CRMs, so everything plays nice together and you have a streamlined flow of valuable data.
  • Reporting and analytics: You make business-critical decisions based on the actionable insights derived from the wealth of user data. 
  • Customer service: ScoreApp offers live chat with product experts, video tutorials and a library of information to help you get the most out of the platform. 


  • If you use specific software that’s not on the ScoreApp integrations list, then you might have to switch tools or do things manually. 
  • As a new user, you need to invest a little bit of time to completely understand structuring effective quizzes and optimise lead generation.
  • ScoreApp’s advanced features may be out of budget for small businesses. 

Which sales funnel builder is best for you? 

There’s a lot to take into account, isn’t there? It’s back to that starting list now – working out what’s the best sales funnel builder for your business goals. 

It’s definitely worth giving ScoreApp’s free trial a go. Everyone wants to generate warm leads and powerful insights – even better with AI-driven tools that really get to the heart of what your customers want. 

Who doesn’t love talking about themselves? That’s what your ScoreApp assessments and quizzes get your prospects to do. Design your entire quiz funnel right now, for free.

About the author
Martin Huntbach Head of SEO
Martin Huntbach
Chief Marketing Officer
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