8 ways to get more people to complete your quiz

Have you ever started a task, only to get distracted, forget all about it, and never come back?
I’m sure you have. It happens to the best of us.
The same goes for people filling out your quiz.
Getting people to start your quiz is one thing, but getting them to finish it is another thing entirely.
In some cases, you might lose 30-50% of your leads before they finish the quiz. This means you miss out on valuable data, and they miss out on getting a score and some priceless content.
In this article, we’ll give you 8 techniques for getting your quiz leads to complete the quiz and get their score.
Let’s get into it…
1. Make your quiz offer compelling enough
The first step in getting someone to complete your quiz is making the reward compelling enough. Plenty of people will start your quiz because they want their personalised score.
However, some people will naturally get distracted or lose interest part-way through your quiz. This is why we need something extra to keep them interested right through to the end.
Here are some added bonuses you can give away as part of your quiz.
- A free PDF report that includes an in-depth breakdown of how they scored and how they can improve
- A free copy of your book (if you have one) so they can learn more about how to improve
- A free pre-recorded video that helps your audience learn more about your topic

Although these bonuses are valuable, you do have to make sure you talk about them before someone starts your quiz. That way, they’re more likely to stay until the very end in order to receive the free gift.
2. Use engaging quiz questions
You’ve probably spent a lot of time thinking of the perfect questions to ask as part of your quiz.
Like most quizzes, you may have included questions that:
Allow you to score the person accurately
Help you uncover important data that may help you identify opportunities
However, you might not have considered how fun and engaging those questions are.
Every single question you ask could include some personality that keeps your questions interesting and your quiz enjoyable to complete.
You are limited in how much personality you can include, as we want to keep the questions short and to the point.
Below I’ve included an example that might give you a few ideas…
- Basic question – Do you like or dislike cooking meals?
- Engaging question – Are you obsessed with cooking (like me) or does the thought of it make you die inside?
The second question is slightly longer but includes so much more personality. These kinds of questions are more entertaining and tend to keep people engaged right through to the end.
To add personality, try to include words or phrases that you use from day to day with your clients and team that would give people an insight into who you are.

3. Review bad quiz questions
Some of the questions you ask throughout your quiz will perform better than others. One of your questions might be super simple and easy to answer, and another question might be more confusing.
Confusing or difficult questions can be a huge problem and cause people to leave your quiz part way through and never come back (we call these people “drop-offs”).
You tend to find that 1 or 2 of your quiz questions might lead to most of the drop-offs.
This is why it’s so important that you regularly review your questions along with the drop-off rates so that you can improve the questions or delete them entirely.

Quiz question example
Confusing question – When it comes to working on important tasks, do you feel that you are more effective before 9 am or after 9 pm?
Simple question – Are you more productive in the morning or the evening?
As you can see, the simple question is far easier to answer and doesn’t require as much brain power.
Make sure you review your questions and key drop-off points every month to identify any that need improving.
4. Put your lead form at the front of your quiz
This technique isn’t technically going to help people complete your quiz, but it will help you in other ways.
When someone enters their contact information BEFORE they start the quiz, you have their data. This means no matter what happens, you have the lead, even if they only answered 5 out of 10 questions.
If you have the contact information and you know someone hasn’t completed the quiz, you can still email them, provide value and make specific offers.
You can also email them and ask them to complete the quiz. Using ScoreApp, you can set an automatic email template that gets sent to your leads if they leave the quiz partway through.
5. Create milestones throughout your quiz
One of the simplest ways to get people to complete your quiz is by adding “milestones” as they answer questions.
Imagine you’re on a long hike, and you have no idea how long or short the trail is. It could take hours, or it could take days. You have no idea. This is why we have milestones and signs.
Your quiz is exactly the same.
You need to provide a simple milestone system that communicates how much time is left, so your quiz participant knows what to expect.
There are several things you can do, such as:
- Telling people how many questions you have or how much time it will take up-front
- Giving people a progress bar or a percentage as they go through the quiz

These are vital, but there’s another thing you can do to really encourage people to stay until the very end.
Use milestones within your quiz questions.
You can encourage your participants by saying things such as:
“Halfway there, you’re doing great.”
“Almost there, just 5 more questions until you get your free report!’
“Reward loading…2 more questions to go”
“Final question…”
These added milestones will really help your audience stay and complete the quiz.
Just be careful with how much you use these milestones, as you are asking your leads to read more which may have the opposite effect.
A good rule of thumb is 10-20% of all your quiz questions can include milestones like this.
6. Use fewer questions
By far, the biggest reason for drop-offs is by having too many questions in your quiz.
Naturally, the more time it takes to complete your quiz, the more likely someone is to get bored, distracted or even frustrated with so many questions.
The number of questions you ask should be in line with the level of trust you have built with your audience.
For instance, if someone has worked with you for a while, they’re much more likely to answer 30 questions as opposed to someone who has never heard of you before.
If you’re just starting out with a very small audience, a shorter quiz might be better.
If you have a big audience and want to deliver more value, then you can ask more questions.
In any case, you should only ask questions that you really need the answers to. Be ruthless in cutting questions that don’t help you or your audience.
7. Use fewer clicks throughout your quiz
How many clicks does it take to answer each question?
If it’s any more than one, you might want to revisit the question.
It’s proven that fewer clicks online lead to far better results. With the rise of single-click purchases, people are becoming accustomed to simpler online processes and prefer speed over everything else.
Essentially…more clicking = more people quitting.

Here are a few things you can try to streamline your questions and speed up the answering process.
Simplify your questions by using “yes” or “no” answers
If you use “select all that apply” type questions, try to use them sparingly
Review questions that are taking people longer to answer
Improving your quiz is about tweaking and fine-tuning, and the more you look at your quiz data, the more you can speed up the process for your leads and get more people to complete your quiz.
8. Throw in some easy questions!
We all need a helping hand to get started with something new. The same goes for your quiz participants.
When someone sits down to take your quiz, it shouldn’t feel difficult or tiresome. It should feel easy and fun. This is why most of your questions should be simple and easy to answer.
Yes, some of your questions will need to be more testing so you’re able to score people and provide an accurate assessment of their situation. However, try to include some easy quiz questions to help people get into the rhythm of clicking.
Is your quiz software good enough?
After reading this article, you should be able to identify some key areas that will help you improve your quiz completion rate.
To deliver incredible value, you’ll need to get as many people to complete your quiz as possible. The more value you deliver at the end, the more likely someone wants to learn more and potentially do business with you.
If you want to improve your quiz, then consider switching to ScoreApp quiz software. We offer advanced quiz data that allows you to analyse your questions and any key “problem points” throughout your quiz.
The more you test and tweak your quiz, the more value you can deliver to your audience.