
How to Get Great Customer Feedback Using Quiz Software

How to Get Great Customer Feedback Using Quiz Software

If you don’t understand what your customers like and dislike about their experience with you, you can’t improve it. Let’s face it, though: it’s HARD to get someone to stop scrolling and spend a few minutes of their time giving you feedback.

So, how can you convince more customers to share their opinions with you? Simple: by replacing boring surveys with a compelling quiz for feedback!

This could involve:

  • Survey-style questions but in a more engaging and visually appealing format
  • Valuable and personalised quiz results based on their answers (for example, let’s say you’re an outdoor brand and one of your questions is “For what occasions do you tend to shop with us?” You could send different tips, product recommendations and offers to those who answer “To plan for a camping trip” as opposed to those saying “To go kayaking”)

Much more valuable and effective, right?

So, here’s what you should consider to plan the right strategy and collect more customer feedback with a quiz.

What do you want to find out? 

Start from your goal so that you can work your way backwards and plan the right feedback quiz to achieve that.

For example, it could be your customers’ opinions on:

  • Their overall satisfaction 
  • Specific product features
  • Their user experience
  • Potential room for improvement
  • Your customer support

(Psst: you’ll find some question examples for each of them soon!)

This will also show you who you should get feedback from, such as frequent buyers, disengaged customers, a specific segment or leads who haven’t bought from you yet.

How can you engage customers with your quiz for feedback?

Make it as easy as possible for your customers to complete your feedback quiz by:

  • Keeping it short and focused – Don’t put off your participants with a quiz that never ends! Instead, plan your questions properly so that you can keep it concise. Ideally, your quiz for feedback should involve 5-15 questions and take max 2 minutes to complete 
  • Using simple language – If understanding your questions requires effort, your audience won’t bother. So, avoid jargon, confusing wording or too many options
  • Including a mix of question types – Prioritise questions that are easy to answer (like yes-or-no or multiple choice) but keep your quiz varied by including a few in different formats, too. For example, this could involve sliding scales and open-ended questions to collect more in-depth feedback. With ScoreApp, you have plenty of question formats to choose from! 

How can you tailor your customer feedback experience to different audiences?

When you personalise your quiz experience, it’ll feel more relevant to each participant, and they’ll be a lot more likely to complete it! Do this through:

  • Valuable quiz questions – Make sure they match your audience’s situation and are a natural follow-up to your previous questions. With ScoreApp, you can use conditional logic to master this! For example, if someone answers “No” to “Have you ever attended one of our webinars?”, you can skip the question that would ask them “How much did you enjoy our webinar on a scale of 1 to 10?”
  • A personalised final message – Display customised quiz results, rewards, offers or “Thank you” messages based on each participant’s answers. This will also show them how much you value their input

How can you get people to take your customer feedback quiz?

To compel more customers to share their feedback through your quiz, you could:

  • Show them the difference they’ll make – We are much more likely to help if we understand why our contribution matters. So, on your landing page or invitation, tell your customers how their feedback will help you improve that product or service, introduce new features, streamline the overall buying experience and so on. In other words: how will giving you feedback benefit them?
  • Consider adding an incentive – Entice more people with a gifted quiz that offers them a freebie, an entry into a prize draw or an exclusive discount as a “Thank you” for sharing their feedback. This is even more relevant if you absolutely need to ask quite a few questions

How can you promote your customer survey quiz?

To get more submissions, you obviously need to reach as many (relevant) people as possible. 

How you do that will depend on your current channels and who you need feedback from, but here are some ideas to promote your customer survey quiz:

  • Via email to reach all your subscribers, only target the right segment (such as past customers) or send a personalised invitation to those whose feedback you value the most
  • On your website, show it to everyone through a pop-up that appears when they’re about to leave or only to those who have just completed a specific action
  • On social media to reach both customers and potential ones alike
  • Through in-app notifications
  • With paid ads (for example, by retargeting previous customers or users who engaged with your brand but didn’t complete a specific action)

Are there any confidentiality considerations when getting customer feedback through a quiz?

Some customers might be apprehensive and reluctant to share their feedback. So, to put their minds at ease, you could:

  • Give them the option to submit it anonymously so that they feel comfortable sharing their honest opinions
  • Assure them that their data and answers will be kept confidential and only used to improve your products, services and experience

ScoreApp stores all your customers’ data securely. Your quizzes will also be GDPR-compliant because your participants must give their consent in order to get started.

How can you analyse and act on your customer feedback?

Collecting customer feedback is obviously the first step, but you must also review it and act upon it:

  • Look at your results – Use your quiz platform’s tools to interpret them. Try to identify some patterns and figure out what your audience likes and dislikes the most. ScoreApp’s analytics make this a breeze!
  • Act on that feedback wherever and whenever possible – Prioritise the most common patterns, and especially what your customers are particularly unhappy with. Then, use those insights to optimise your customer service, product development or marketing accordingly
  • Let your customers know – Did you make some improvements and changes thanks to their feedback? TELL THEM! For example, “You asked for [feature X], and guess what? We’ve just added that for you”. This will show them that you value their opinion and actually listened to their requests

Example questions for a customer feedback quiz

The right set of questions for your customer feedback quiz will depend on your business, audience, products and services but also on what you’re getting insights on.

So, to help you get started, we came up with a few question ideas for the most common feedback goals (you’re welcome!).

1. Overall satisfaction

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with our product/service?
  • What do you like most about our product/service?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague?

2. Feature feedback

  • Which feature do you use the most?
  • Are there any features you’re finding difficult to use? (If yes, please specify)
  • How frequently do you use [feature X] in this product?

3. User experience

  • How would you rate your experience with our website/app interface?
  • Have you encountered any issues while navigating our website/app?
  • Is there anything that could make your navigation smoother?

4. Improvement suggestions

  • What features would you like to see added or improved in our product?
  • If you could change one thing about our product/service, what would it be and why?
  • Have you got any other comments or suggestions for us?

5. Customer support

  • How would you rate your experience with our customer support team?
  • Was your issue resolved in a timely manner?
  • Is there anything we could do to improve our support for you?

Set up a ScoreApp quiz to receive useful, informative feedback from your customers

Once you start collecting and reviewing your customer feedback regularly? You can optimise your products, services and marketing accordingly, providing a better experience and boosting your sales.

So, get more people to share their opinions with you through a compelling ScoreApp quiz for feedback!

Instead of a boring survey, you’ll impress your audience with a valuable and engaging experience, showing them how much you value their input. Create your customer feedback quiz today and for FREE with ScoreApp!

About the author
Leigh Simons
Head of Customer Service
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