
Create a buzz for your experience business with quiz software

Create a buzz for your experience business with quiz software

You’ve designed the most amazing experiences and events that are perfect for your clients. Now you need a lead magnet of equal quality to promote it and get those ideal clients into your world…

A traditional ‘download this free PDF’, or ‘get a discount code’, probably isn’t going to cut it.  

You need something that reflects the personal nature of the experience itself – a carefully targeted, interactive quiz. 

So in this blog post, we’re going to share exactly how you can create a fun and engaging quiz that actually converts your audience, for a range of businesses that organise different experiences, including:

  • Retreats: For individuals, groups and corporations with different focuses like; creative, religious, adventure, and wellness
  • Festivals: Gathering like minds within industries; books, music, food and drink, art, and film
  • Workshops: Actually learning skills during classes in crafts, cooking, wine tasting, art, physical fitness, and professional development
  • Tourism: Designed especially for visitors to highlight local things you’re proud of; cultural tours, food tours, and off-grid adventures
  • Themed experiences: Attract people with the same interests; escape rooms, exhibitions, theme parks, and VR experiences  

Whatever type of experience business you have, we show you how to create a whole quiz funnel marketing strategy to build the hype at every stage of your customer’s journey. 

ScoreApp quiz software makes generating targeted quiz lead magnets simple for you. And gets people excited for what they’re about to experience… so you sell more! 

Keep reading for examples of quiz questions for 5 different ‘experience’ businesses, to use as inspiration for yourself.

How to sell an experience using a quiz

With a quiz, your audience immediately invests some of their time and thought into answering questions about most people’s favourite topic – themselves! In return, you send them a personalised report containing immediately actionable results. 

Depending on the vibe of your business, this can help people decide on the best type of experience for their purposes, be a practical guide to multi-track events, or start the fun by digging into the details. 

Of course, you’re also gathering tons of lovely data that helps you understand your audiences better, boost sign-ups, and deliver more targeted marketing… 

If you still need convincing, here are even more reasons why a quiz funnel marketing strategy is great for promoting your events businesses:

  • Whip up a frenzy! Getting your audience to tell you the details of why they want to come to your event or experience focuses their mind on all the positives – and makes them want it even more!
  • Pre-qualified leads: Participation in your quiz is a really strong signal of interest in itself. Your audience pre-qualifies themselves into even more well-defined lead streams by specifying the exact experience that’s right for them – meaning you’re not wasting your time with any cold, inappropriate prospects. 
  • Avoid the awkward intro: The questionnaire results give you a comfortable in for the follow-up sales call, message, or email. No more feeling like you’re tapping a random stranger on the shoulder! You start from the info they’ve already shared and offer them another genuinely helpful thing. 
  • Let knowledge drop: Using the insights from all your metrics, you can create personalised email nurture streams that skillfully guide your leads towards a purchase. It also means that your messaging can be totally on point for your different audience segments. 
  • Save time: Once you’ve built your quiz funnel, it’s done. All the other things – like data collection and collation, and emailing your different audience segments – are done automatically. 
  • Spread the love: Because of its personalisation and immediate usefulness, a quiz is extremely shareable – for you and your audience. Get that link all over your socials! 

It’s a bit daunting to imagine just coming up with a load of pertinent questions for your audience. That’s why ScoreApp has endless templates to scaffold your quiz design process. 

And why we’ve given some examples of quizzes for particular types of experiences here – something to spark your creativity! 

1. Using quizzes for retreat promotion

Whether it’s a personal or corporate experience, a retreat is usually considered a fairly big investment of both time and money. 

A quiz that’s designed to help prospective clients discover which type of retreat is best for them – with a personalised report – is a genuinely helpful resource.

Quiz Idea: Which retreat is perfect for you?

  • Title: Discover your ideal retreat!
  • Questions:
    • Do you most need to
      Slow down / Get a clear head / Speed up / Reconnect with nature / Feel connected to other humans / Just breathe / Get away from everything?
    • What’s your primary goal for a retreat? 
      Complete relaxation / Creative stimulation / Physical challenge / Spiritual discovery / Religious exploration / Adventurous thrills
    • If you’re arranging time to reset for yourself, what do you plan? 
      A party / Visit to a new place / Creating something / Physical activity, usually outdoors / Reading or meditating in solitude / Being with family or friends 
    • When you’re focusing on a personal goal, do you prefer to tackle it…
      Alone / With friends / With your partner / With a group of strangers with the same aims
    • What’s your ideal retreat setting? 
      City / Countryside / Beach / Mountains / Forest
    • What type of context do you prefer? 
      1:1 with an expert / Small group workshops / Time and space to complete a task alone / Lecture-type situations with little audience participation 
    • What do you find most challenging? 
      Learning about yourself / Learning a new skill / Working on group tasks / Exploring a new place / Meeting new people / Introspective thought
    • How long are you willing to travel for a retreat? 
      1-2 hours / 3-5 hours / 6+ hours /  Any distance for the right experience!
    • What do you most want to get out of your trip? 
      Seeing a new place / Meeting new people / Learning a new skill / Developing self-knowledge / Boost physical fitness and mental wellbeing / Creative Inspiration
  • Results:
    • Tailored recommendations for the type of retreat that best suits their personality type and aims. This should make the decision simpler for your audience. And it means you get inquiries from people who are further down the sales funnel – they’ve already figured out all the main details. They just need a simple call-to-action (CTA), to join your waitlist or sign straight up for their perfect retreat.

This example is tailored for individuals’ personal retreats. Corporate retreats would involve different questions that include the business purpose of the investment, as well as similar questions about the team’s preferences. 

So, if you also offer corporate retreats, you’ll create a different quiz funnel for this segment of your customers. 

2. Using quizzes for festival promotion

If you’re hosting multiple festival dates across the year, a quiz helps you promote them all at once – and makes sure all your visitors pick the right festival for them. There’s a great assumption built in – that the question isn’t ‘Should I go to a festival?’ but ‘Which festival will I go to?’

Quiz Idea: Find your festival match!

  • Title: Which festival should you go to this year?
  • Questions:
    • What type of music do you enjoy? 
      Rave / Reggae / Metal / Rock / Jazz / Pop / Classical / Jive / Gospel / HipHOp / Latin / Dubstep / R&B / Rap / Punk / Ska / Soul / Trance / Opera / Grime / House / FolkTechno / Afrobeat / Indie / Swing / Dance / Disco / Blues / Literally any live music! / I go to festivals for  a mixture of different genres / I’m not a music fan
    • Are you a foodie?
      Yes, I love trying new foods! / I enjoy food, but it’s not my main interest / No, I’m more into other experiences / I have favourite foods (Cheese / Pies / Chocolate)
    • What’s your favourite tipple?
      Wine / Gin / Cider / Beer / Whiskey / Vodka / Rum / Something non-alcoholic
    • How do you feel about art?
      I’m intrigued by all forms of art / I enjoy specific types of art / I’m a huge fan of particular artists / I’m not an art person
    • Do you enjoy watching films? 
      I’m a film buff / I only like particular genres of film / I watch films occasionally, but someone else usually chooses which one / I don’t have the concentration span for films
    • Do you enjoy going to the theatre or live comedy shows? 
      Love all of it! / I’ve liked what I’ve seen, but don’t seek it out / Can’t get enough live comedy / Adore seeing plays / Only really love musical theatre / I really don’t like any of this type of entertainment
    • What’s your ideal festival location? 
      City centre / Countryside / Beach / Historic venues / Open air only / Inside a venue only
    • Are you into literature? 
      Absolutely – I love hearing authors discuss their work / Only some types of literature / Not really
    • What kind of accommodation do you prefer, if you’re attending a festival? 
      Camping / Glamping / B&B / Hotel / Self-catering apartment / Own camper van
    • Are you a vehicle enthusiast? 
      Classic cars / Tractors / Trucks / Aeroplanes / Race cars / Trains / Buses / No
    • How important are the facilities at festivals? 
      Clean toilets are a must / I can cope with the over-used portaloo situation 
      What’s the most important thing about the food and drink options at a festival? 
      Not over-priced / Good quality / Interesting range / Options for my dietary requirements / Are physically close to the main event
  • Results:
    • Your participants then receive personalised festival suggestions for the events they’ve expressed most or some interest in. Including information about getting early bird tickets, joining a VIP list, or any kind of exclusive package (like a ticket + accommodation for a reduced rate)
    • You save them time trawling an internet’s worth of options, show them things they might not have seen before – and you get a goldmine of data insights about the popularity of different festival types, crossover interests and key factors that influence your audience’s decision making. 

3. Using quizzes for workshop and classes promotion

Quizzes are great lead magnets for workshop promotions because they help your students self-assess and tell you the way they prefer to learn. 

If you offer classes at beginner, intermediate and higher levels, including a section of knowledge-based questions is really useful. This means you’ve always got people turning up for the right class. You can also embed quizzes as your assessment tool during the learning process and on completion.

Sometimes people know they want to learn something new – but they’re not sure what. A quiz is a really helpful way to support their decision-making, with questions like these. 

Quiz Idea: What workshop or class suits you best?

  • Title: Discover the perfect in-person class for you!
  • Questions:
    • What’s the main thing you want to get out of your class? 
      Learn a new skill / Relax / Have fun with other people / Gain a certified qualification / Advance your education / Professional development / Get physically fitter
    • What activities do you like doing now? 
      Cooking / Exercise / Crafting / Painting / Non-fiction books or programmes / Watching, listening to or reading fictional stories / 
    • What type of learning environment do you prefer? 
      Relaxed and chatty / Structured and quiet / A combination of the two
    • How are you best motivated? 
      By An individual goal / Group goal / Freedom to explore with no fixed goal
    • Which is more important to you at the end of a course? 
      You feel: Your skills are sharpened / You’ve had a new experience / You’ve got something to show for the time you’ve invested (eg: You made a physical item, or passed an exam.)
    • I learn best by…
      Reading / Doing / Listening / Writing / Combination of all 4
    • How often are you willing to attend? 
      One-off workshop / Weekly / Bi-weekly / Monthly
    • What time of day suits you best? 
      Morning / Afternoon, / Evening / Weekend only / Weekdays only / Anytime
  • Results:
    • Your participants get a customised recommendation for the classes that best suit their interests, learning styles, and goals. You may include an invitation to a free taster session or a discount code for the first 10 sign-ups. It’s also important to include a ‘Not what you’re looking for’ section, where prospects are invited to take the quiz again, or simply browse all your available courses. 

4. Using quizzes for travel experience promotion

Before you offer your holiday recommendations, help people self-select the right type of holiday for them. 

Quiz Idea: What’s your dream holiday experience?

  • Title: Find your perfect holiday adventure!
  • Questions:
    • What do you usually like to do on holiday? 
      Sit by the pool sipping cocktails / Explore local historical sights and culture / Taste all the local delicacies / Get out into nature / Play in the sea
    • We all have our ‘holiday’ selves. What’s ‘holiday you’ giving?
      Loved-up couple / All-night party / Mysterious single traveller / Bear Grylls adventure / Relaxation level = sloth / Culture vulture 
    • Do you prefer to…
      Have a local guide / Do some organised trips balanced with some freedom / Figure it all out yourself – that’s part of the fun!
    • How do you want to feel during your holiday? 
      Completely relaxed, unhurried and taken care of / A good balance of rested and excited by new experiences / Like you haven’t missed a thing!
    • On your first morning there, you wake up, stretch and take in the view. What do you want to see? 
      Sandy beaches / Just the never-ending sea / City bustle / Village quaintness / Panorama of mountains / Nothing but nature
    • What kind of accommodation do you prefer? 
      Luxury hotels / Budget-friendly hotels / B&B / Self-catering / Instagram-worthy uniqueness / Camper van / Glamping / Camping / Anywhere that’s not where I live!
    • How important is food, as part of your holiday experience? 
      Extremely important / Quite important / Not a main priority 
    • Who are you travelling with? 
      Solo / With my partner / Family with children / Family, adults only / Friends
    • How far are you prepared to travel to get there? 
      Under 3 hour flight / Between 3 and 6 hour flight / 7+ hour flight
    • How long do you want to be away for? 
      A long weekend / 1 week / 2 weeks / 1 month+ / Show me everything!
  • Results:
    • The results from this quiz will give your participants a range of options, based on their main interests. For example, culture breaks in historical areas of different cities, for different lengths of stay. CTA – Join our mailing list for exclusive deals and early access to new tours.

5. Using quizzes for themed experience promotion

This is focused on audiences that live more locally to your business. They’re looking for new things to do on dates, days out, and family adventures – and your quiz is going to help them make their next decision!

Quiz Idea: Which themed experience should you try next?

  • Title: Discover your perfect themed adventure!
  • Questions:
    • How do you most like to feel? 
      Relaxed / Excited / ’Good’ scared / Focused
    • Would you rather?
      Solve a puzzle / Build something / Have a physical race / Create something / Be part of a story / Play a physical game
    • Would you rather compete against
      Yourself / The clock / Other people
    • How do you feel about immersive experiences? 
      I love them! / Depends on the theme / I’ve never had an immersive experience / I’ve tried and I’m not a fan
    • What’s your preferred group size for activities? 
      Small group of people you know / Small group of strangers / Large group of people you know / Large group of strangers / Any size
    • How far are you willing to travel? 
      30 minutes maximum / Under 1 hour / Up to 2 hours / 2+ hours
    • How long are you willing to spend on an experience? 
      Up to 1 hour / 1-2 hours / 2-3 hours / The fun should never stop!
    • Who will you be sharing your experience with? 
      Partner / Friends / Family, just adults / Family, with children / Colleagues / Whoever’s there!
  • Results:
    • Your participants’ reports give them personalised suggestions for what type of experiences will be the most fun for them. This can include all sorts of entertainment experiences like escape rooms, theme parks, shooting ranges, interactive exhibitions, VR adventures, immersive performances, paintballing… literally anything! Your CTA includes a link to book tickets or join a waitlist with special offers.

Create awesome quiz lead magnets for your experience business with ScoreApp

Your brain’s already whirring with all the different ideas you’ve got for your first quiz, isn’t it?! 

ScoreApp helps you create amazing lead magnets that get you pre-qualified leads and – ultimately – makes sure that everyone has the best time! 

  • Landing pages: Create dedicated landing pages for each quiz that connect with exactly the right audience and give one clear CTA. 
  • Social shareability: Your quizzes are a great thing to get on all your socials – and are incredibly shareable among your audiences. 
  • Don’t forget your email list!: You don’t want your loyal subscribers to miss out – get it in your emails and make it easy for readers to share it with their friends.
  • Add a spoonful of sugar: In exchange for their time spent completing your quiz – offer a little something in return, like a discount code, free trial or entry into a giveaway competition 

What kind of quiz is best for your next experience? Try your first event quiz for free! 

About the author
Steven Oddy
Steven Oddy
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