27 Quiz Ideas for Financial Planners, Advisors and Coaches

If you are a financial planner, advisor, or money coach then you’ll need a way to attract new leads into your business.
You could use a typical “lead magnet” like a free checklist or PDF but why not use something more fun and interactive?
A lead generation quiz
A lead generation quiz is one of the best ways to grow your audience and get a steady flow of leads and enquiries. Quizzes work well for a number of reasons:
- They’re fun and interactive, so more people like to take part
- They’re valuable as they offer personalised scores and feedback
- They build trust and credibility which helps position you as an authority
Below, I’ve broken down 27 quiz ideas for financial planners, advisors, and coaches so you can create a fun, interactive quiz that attracts a constant flow of warm leads who are ready to do business with you.
Let’s get into it…
1. The Retirement Readiness Assessment:
“Gauge your preparedness for retirement and receive personalised recommendations for improvement.”
Possible questions could include:
a) At what age do you plan to retire?
b) How much have you saved for retirement so far?
c) How confident are you in your current retirement plan?
2. The Investment Risk Tolerance Quiz:
“Determine your risk appetite and discover investment strategies tailored to your preferences.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How would you describe your investment experience?
b) If your investment portfolio were to experience a significant drop in value, what would you do?
c) What is your primary investment goal?
3. The Emergency Fund Assessment:
“Evaluate your emergency fund preparedness and receive tips for building a robust safety net.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How many months of living expenses do you have saved in your emergency fund?
b) How often do you contribute to your emergency fund?
c) In case of a financial emergency, what would be your first course of action?
4. The Debt Management Quiz:
“Assess your current debt situation and discover strategies for managing and eliminating it effectively.”
Possible questions could include:
a) What types of debt do you currently have?
b) How do you prioritize paying off your debts?
c) Have you ever consolidated your debts or considered doing so?
5. The Financial Goal-Setting Assessment:
“Determine your financial goal progress and receive personalised guidance on how to achieve them.”
Possible questions could include:
a) Which financial goals are most important to you?
b) How do you track your progress toward your financial goals?
c) Have you ever worked with a financial professional to help you reach your goals?

6. The Homeownership Readiness Quiz:
“Evaluate your readiness to buy a home and discover helpful tips for navigating the homebuying process.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How much have you saved for a mortgage?
b) How familiar are you with the homebuying process?
c) Have you ever obtained a pre-approval for a mortgage?
7. The University/College Savings Assessment:
“Determine your preparedness for covering college expenses and receive recommendations for building a university/college fund.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How much have you saved for your child’s college education?
b) What types of college savings vehicles are you using?
c) Have you calculated the estimated cost of your child’s college education?
8. The Tax Optimisation Quiz:
‘Assess your tax knowledge and receive personalised tips for maximising reliefs and allowances.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How familiar are you with tax reliefs and allowances in the UK?
b) Do you actively seek opportunities to utilise your available tax reliefs and allowances?
c) Have you ever worked with a tax professional or accountant to optimise your tax situation?
9. The Insurance Needs Assessment:
“Evaluate your insurance coverage and discover recommendations for adequate protection.”
Possible questions could include:
a) What types of insurance do you currently have?
b) How often do you review your insurance coverage?
c) Do you feel confident that your current insurance coverage is sufficient?
10. The State Pension Strategy Quiz:
“Determine your understanding of State Pension benefits and discover strategies for optimising your retirement income.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How familiar are you with the UK’s State Pension system?
b) At what age do you plan to start receiving State Pension benefits?
c) Have you ever sought professional advice on optimising your State Pension benefits?
11. The Estate Planning Assessment:
“Evaluate your current estate plan and receive personalized advice for protecting your legacy.”
Possible questions could include:
a) Do you have a will or a trust in place?
b) Have you designated beneficiaries for your financial accounts and insurance policies?
c) How often do you review and update your estate plan?
12. The Real Estate Investment Readiness Quiz:
“Assess your potential for real estate investing and receive tailored strategies for success.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How familiar are you with real estate investing strategies?
b) What type of real estate investments are you interested in?
c) Have you ever owned or invested in real estate other than your primary residence?

13. The Small Business Financial Health Assessment:
“Determine the financial stability of your small business and receive tips for improvement.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How do you track and manage your small business finances?
b) What financial challenges has your business faced in the past year?
c) Have you ever consulted with a financial professional for your small business?
14. The Credit Score Quiz:
“Test your understanding of credit scores and learn strategies for improving your creditworthiness.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How familiar are you with the factors that affect your credit score?
b) How often do you check your credit report and score?
c) Have you ever taken steps to improve your credit score?
15. The Financial Independence Assessment:
“Gauge your progress toward financial independence and receive personalized recommendations for achieving your goals.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How would you define financial independence?
b) What steps are you taking to achieve financial independence?
c) How confident are you that you’ll achieve financial independence?
16. The Savings Rate Quiz:
“Assess your current savings habits and receive tailored advice for boosting your savings rate.”
Possible questions could include:
a) What percentage of your income do you save each month?
b) Do you have a specific savings goal or target?
c) Which methods do you use to save money regularly?
17. The Lifestyle Inflation Assessment:
“Determine if lifestyle inflation is hindering your financial progress and discover strategies for curbing unnecessary expenses.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How has your spending changed as your income has increased?
b) Do you track your expenses and create a monthly budget?
c) Have you ever tried to reduce lifestyle inflation or cut back on non-essential expenses?
18. The Health Savings Account (HSA) Quiz:
“Test your knowledge of HSAs and learn how to maximize their benefits.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How familiar are you with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) or similar healthcare savings plans in your country?
b) Do you currently have an HSA or similar healthcare savings plan?
c) Are you aware of the potential tax advantages of using an HSA or similar healthcare savings plan?
19. The Charitable Giving Assessment:
“Evaluate your charitable giving strategy and receive recommendations for maximizing your philanthropic impact.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How often do you donate to charity?
b) Do you have a specific cause or organization that you support regularly?
c) Are you aware of the potential tax benefits of charitable giving?
20. The Travel Budget Quiz:
“Assess your travel budget management skills and receive personalized tips for stretching your vacation dollars further.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How do you save for your travel expenses?
b) Do you create a budget for each trip you take?
c) Have you ever used travel rewards programs to save on travel costs?
21. The Retirement Savings Plan Optimisation Quiz:
“Determine your retirement savings plan investment strategy and receive personalised guidance for optimizing your savings.”
Possible questions could include:
a) What type of retirement savings plan do you have?
b) How often do you review and adjust your retirement savings plan investments?
c) Have you ever sought professional advice on optimizing your retirement savings plan?
22. The Mortgage Refinancing Quiz:
“Assess your understanding of mortgage refinancing and discover if refinancing could save you money.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How familiar are you with the mortgage refinancing process?
b) Have you ever considered refinancing your mortgage?
c) Do you know the factors that can affect your eligibility for mortgage refinancing?
23. The Financial Literacy Test:
“Gauge your overall financial knowledge and receive personalised recommendations for improvement.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How would you rate your overall financial literacy?
b) What sources do you use to learn about personal finance?
c) Have you ever attended a financial education workshop or course?
24. The Income Diversification Assessment:
“Evaluate your income sources and receive tailored advice for diversifying and growing your income streams.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How many sources of income do you currently have?
b) Are you actively seeking new income-generating opportunities?
c) Have you ever invested in assets that generate passive income?
25. The Inflation Awareness Quiz:
“Test your knowledge of inflation and learn strategies for protecting your financial future.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How familiar are you with the concept of inflation?
b) What steps are you taking to protect your finances from the effects of inflation?
c) Have you ever considered investing in assets that may provide inflation protection?
26. The Early Retirement Feasibility Assessment:
“Determine if early retirement is a realistic goal for you and receive personalized guidance for achieving it.”
Possible questions could include:
a) What age do you consider to be “early retirement”?
b) What steps are you taking to prepare for early retirement?
c) How confident are you in your ability to achieve early retirement?
27. The Passive Income Quiz:
“Assess your understanding of passive income strategies and discover ways to grow your passive income streams.”
Possible questions could include:
a) How familiar are you with the concept of passive income?
b) Do you currently have any sources of passive income?
c) What types of passive income investments are you most interested in pursuing?
Should you launch a finance quiz?
Now that you have 27 quiz ideas for your business, I’m sure you’ll be able to launch your finance or money quiz fast and start getting more leads into your business.
Quiz leads are often far easier to prequalify too as you have way more information than you would with other types of lead magnets.
To start building a quiz today, click the link below to try for free. Thanks to our new AI quiz builder, you’ll be able to build your quiz in less than 3 minutes.