Customer Stories

From Hours on Lead Gen to Clients Seeking You Out

Here’s the thing about lead generation: you can be successful at it results-wise, but it can still be taking up a lot of your time. 

The question to ask yourself is this: is my lead generation strategy optimised if I’m spending half a day on it, every day?

Kai Cheng is an agency owner who, like a lot of people with great products in crowded markets, found himself spending 3-4 hours/day just talking to potential clients. 

“It’s not that I didn’t have enough leads… but I really had to work hard to get them.”

Cue: a new type of lead magnet. A ScoreApp-built quiz that delivers far more leads in far less time. 

Kai built a few bespoke quizzes that help business owners understand exactly what content they need to convert. Linking the quizzes to his Meta ads created “a day and night” difference. 

“And then it just worked so well. It’s so dramatic. I had my calendar fully booked. Literally every client that came in was a high quality client.

I wasn’t trying to sell them. I intentionally didn’t mention anything related to working with me. I was just trying to help them solve their initial problem. 

And at the end of every single call, I didn’t even mention working together. They were the ones who asked me.” 

It might sound too good to be true, but this is the power of creating a conversational lead magnet that’s genuinely fun to engage with.

Once you’ve perfected your quiz (or mini-course, or sign-up page – there’s a lot you can do with ScoreApp), you free up a lot more time. 

But you also ensure shining, segmented data from good quality leads and a stellar way to help potential customers get to know you. 

Give it a go – build your own Scorecard in minutes, for free.

About the author
Jamie Page
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