Improve Your Sales Calls with Quizzes: The Ultimate Guide to Increasing Your Close Rate

You’ve probably heard that quizzes can be a powerful tool to grow your email list and get more leads – and they are.
But what if you could use your quiz to run more successful sales calls, too?
As long as you don’t think of it as a passive prop or gimmick, you totally can!
In this article, I’ll show you exactly how to use a quiz to book more sales calls and convert more leads into sales too.
How do you get someone on a sales call?
Mentioning a “sales call” is often the magic spell that’ll make your prospects disappear. Let’s face it: nobody likes being sold to!
What everyone does like, though, is having their problems solved. So, to get more people on a sales call, reframe your approach accordingly. The right quiz marketing tactic will make this a breeze:
Use a targeted and strategic quiz
Create one that’ll give you a ton of valuable data about your prospects: what are their current struggles? What’s holding them back from achieving their future goals?
Basically, the kind of information you wouldn’t normally access before speaking to them.
Use your quiz to pre-qualify your leads
Out of all the people who’ve just completed your lead generation quiz, who would actually be the right fit? Maybe you have a product that would work better for some of them and a different solution for some others?
Refer to this quiz when you invite your prospects to a sales call
Mention their results and offer to hop on a call to dive deeper into them and share some bespoke advice and solutions
Increase your chances even further with a personalised video
You could share your screen using Loom, show the actual quiz results and give your prospects a couple of quick tips. Including these videos in your email invitations will skyrocket your initial conversions!
What kind of quiz allows you to do all this before a sales call?
We’ll be honest: you can’t expect this to work if you rely on a random and directionless quiz. To prime yourself and your prospects for a successful sales call, you need a strategic quiz that:
- Is fine-tuned for both your target audience
- Allows you to collect relevant and valuable data
- Can actually be tailored to different potential outcomes
- Scores your participants in particular categories. THIS is what will allow you to win them over by complimenting them on what they’re doing well and moving on to the areas that need improvement – and knowing exactly what solution you’ll recommend
That’s just one of the features that make ScoreApp different from any other quiz software out there.
Knowing whether your prospects are doing “well” or “badly” is a start, but it’s not enough to set yourself up for a successful sales call. You’d still have to figure out the specifics whilst talking to them.
And if your initial email isn’t personalised enough to strike a chord? Your prospects will be less likely to get on that call to begin with!
Instead, when you rely on a quiz that covers all these bases for you, you can send a more impactful email along the lines of:
“Hi Jack,
I noticed you recently took our Future Course Creator Quiz. You scored 90% in the “building an audience” section, which is really impressive. However, your score for “choosing the right topic” was quite low. I’d love to share some custom advice with you.
Would you be up for a quick call so I can recommend some strategies that’ll help you improve this?”
Wouldn’t you be more likely to say “yes” to such an offer? Then, when your prospects accept, it’s time to use your quiz to win that sale, too.
How to conduct sales calls using a quiz… and the Seesaw Sales technique!
Just like an actual seesaw, our signature method is about both “highs” and “lows”.

Here’s how you can use a quiz and the Seesaw steps to increase the closing rate of your sales calls.
1. Spotlight – Shine a light on the positives
How miserable would you feel if you got on a call and the other person started telling you you’re doing EVERYTHING wrong? You don’t want to do that to your prospects!
Instead, for more successful sales calls, start with the “highs”:
Compliment your prospect on what they’re already doing well – That’s why you need a quiz that gives you different scores for each category!
Talk about their best quiz results – Get specific, and make your prospect feel proud of their achievements.
Highlight their importance – For example: “It’s awesome that you’ve already built a large and engaged audience! Having such a community is going to make a huge difference when you’re actually ready to launch your course. Well done for focusing on that.”
2. Examine where they need to improve
After opening with the “highs”, harness the Seesaw technique to move onto the “lows”:
Talk about what your prospect needs to improve – When using quiz software with categories, you’ll also get to focus on the specific areas where they got a lower score
Highlight their importance – Just like you did when covering what they’re already doing well, talk about why it’s vital that they start focusing on those other areas, too.
For example: “Choosing the right topic will actually make or break the success of your online course, and you can’t leave this to chance or guesswork.
In fact, many business owners end up creating an entire online course without first validating their idea… and then it just doesn’t sell.”
3. Educate them with your knowledge
After outlining their “lows”, it’s time for a particularly pivotal part of your sales call: making your prospects see that you can solve their problems!
Share your custom tips and advice – Deliver on the promise you made in your email invitation: what should your prospects do to improve the areas where they’re struggling?
Prepare this before your sales call – Don’t wing it! You want to go in confidently and already know what you’ll recommend. When relying on a quiz with categories, you’ll get to structure your advice and identify the right solution for each area
4. Specify how you’ve already helped past clients
Since our brains are programmed to absorb stories more easily than facts, it’s no wonder storytelling can boost conversions by 30%.
And what stories do your prospects need to hear at this stage? The kind that’ll make them see that they’re not the only ones experiencing these problems – and that they can genuinely be solved:
Share specific examples from your past clients – Prepare this in advance so you can focus on those who used to be in a similar situation
Emphasise how you solved those problems – After setting the scene, impress your new prospects by talking about how you overcame those challenges for your previous clients
5. Ask them how they’d feel if these problems were solved
No matter how incredible your offer is, remember: your prospect isn’t actually looking to buy a product or service. Not subconsciously, at least. Deep down, they’re after a solution to their current problem and a new, positive outcome:
Talk about the final transformation – How will your prospect’s life or business change once they invest in you?
Help them picture and feel it – For example, how much easier will the day-to-day running of their business become? How exactly will their life start being more adventurous? How will this make them feel?
Be specific! – Something generic like “wouldn’t this feel good” just won’t cut it. Instead, make your prospects see it using clearer wording and examples: “How would launching your new online course make you feel if you knew for sure that your audience is actively looking to buy it? You wouldn’t have to invest time, money and resources in creating a course that may or may not sell. You’d get to launch it confidently knowing your audience is actually interested in it.”
6. Wrap-up
Time to introduce the final stage: closing in sales. So, for the most powerful transition and set-up:
Remind your prospect of those problems – Focus on why it’s important they do something about their lowest scores
Recap your tips – This will make it clear that you’re the best person or business to help them overcome their current challenges
Position your product or service as the obvious solution – Now, it’s time to ask your prospect if they want to hear more about it (and we bet they’ll say YES)
Win the sale!
How to make a good sales call convert by sharing your screen and showing off the quiz results
You could use the Seesaw technique whilst relying on your sales script alone and reading out the quiz results. It’d make it much harder to get your prospects hooked and retain their attention, though.
So, share your screen instead! When you walk your prospects through their actual quiz results:
- They’ll be able to re-read their own answers.
- They won’t start wondering, “Did I actually say that, or are they twisting my results to sell me their product?”
- They’ll see their current problem next to a low score, which will motivate them to take action and solve it.
That’s why, at ScoreApp, we created a quiz software tool that displays the final results in a tidy and professional way.
Not only will this impress your potential clients when they complete it: you’ll also get to share your screen during your sales calls and walk your prospects through their results strategically.
Basically, the building right quiz won’t only help you grow your audience and leads. It’ll allow you to book more sales calls, run them successfully and increase your closing rate – and that’s exactly what 3000+ businesses and entrepreneurs are already doing through ScoreApp.
If you want access to some advanced sales techniques, we have a training course with Daniel Priestley in our members area, start for free today and check out the full course.