If you want to make a quiz, then you’re in the right place.
Whether it’s online or offline, quizzes are a fun activity to do with your friends but can also be used as a highly effective business tool to grow your audience.
In this article, we give you some free quiz maker templates along with some helpful tips that you can use to plan a fun and engaging quiz.
Making a quiz
Before making a quiz, you’ll have to decide what type of quiz you want to create and how you might score the different answers.
This might sound like a simple task, but there are many different types of quiz and each of them use different scoring techniques (Some of them even use a mixture)
If you want to dive straight in and start building a quiz right now, check out this list of the best quiz software so you can find one that’s right for you.
Below we’ve included a few options so you can decide what type of quiz is right for you.
Simple Knowledge quiz
A “knowledge quiz” is probably the simplest (and most common) type of quiz you could create. It has a very simple framework that consists of questions with only one correct answer.

It’s easy to set up and apply a scoring system because the answers are either correct or incorrect. It’s that simple.
- Each correct answer has 1 point
- Each incorrect answer has 0 points.
Your final score is just a calculation of how many correct answers you gave vs the number of questions in the quiz.
Example “ You scored 12 out of 15 answers correctly”
How to make a simple knowledge quiz
Step 1 – Decide how many questions you want to ask as part of your quiz
Step 2 – Add your questions
Step 3 – Make note of the correct answers (but keep them hidden participants)
Access our free simple quiz template here.

Pros of creating a simple knowledge quiz
It’s easy to create a simple knowledge quiz as there is only one correct answer
You can come up with questions quickly using a variety of quiz question websites
You don’t need a fancy quiz building tool to make a knowledge quiz
Cons of creating a simple knowledge quiz
There’s no real variety with a knowledge quiz, your participants either know the answer or they don’t. This can be frustrating if your participants are struggling to answer any of the questions.
Multiple choice quiz
A multiple choice quiz is another common quiz type used either online or offline. You ask a series of simple questions like the previous example but instead of asking your quiz participants to think of the correct answer, you provide them with a number of possible answers. They then choose the answer that they think is correct.

Example Question – Which of the following celebrities has not starred in a Marvel Movie?
You then list a number of incorrect answers along with one correct answer.
Making a multiple choice quiz
Multiple choice quizzes are more time-consuming to set up because you have to think of a few incorrect answers too. You also have to try to not make it too easy or too difficult.
Access our free multiple choice quiz template here

Pros of creating a multiple choice quiz
- They’re enjoyable and don’t take much brain power to complete
- You can mix up your questions with 2, 3 or 4 answers to keep the quiz interesting
Cons of creating a multiple choice quiz
- It’s more time-consuming to build the quiz because you have to think of multiple answers for each questions
Personality quiz
Personality quizzes are fun. They allow you to place your quiz participants into groups based on the answers they gave as part of your quiz.

Personality quizzes are slightly more complicated to set up because there is no right or wrong answer. Everyone’s answers will be slightly different and that’s why it’s more interesting.
Here are a few personality quizzes you might have seen before on sites like Buzz Feed.
- Which Harry Potter character are you?
- Who should you vote for? Check your true political party
- What kind of diet is right for you?
As you can see from these examples, some personality quizzes are not really about “personality” at all. They are simply a way for your audience to find the option most relevant for them.
How to make a personality quiz
Step 1 – To make a personality quiz you must start with the END in mind first. Unlike the previous quiz types mentioned above, you have to decide on the possible outcomes BEFORE you decide on the questions.
If we were to make a quiz about the “best diet for you” you would first need a list of diets. For instance:
- Keto diet
- Paleo diet
- Low calorie diet
- Vegan diet
- Carnivore diet
Step 2 – Once you’ve done this exercise, you then need to create your questions. These questions would be related to eating, lifestyle, fitness etc.
Step 3 – Once you have chosen a set of questions, you then assign a number of potential answers for each question.
For your quiz result to be as accurate as possible, you might need to add 3-5 answers per question so your quiz participants can choose the most appropriate answer for them.
Step 4 – Once you have a selection of answers for each question you will now need to assign an “associate score” for each answer. An associate score will allow you to say that “Answer B (on question 3) is closely associated with The Keto Diet” Whereas “Answer D is more associated with the Vegan diet”
Once someone has completed the quiz, it will then show them the diet that is most relevant to them based on the answers they gave.
Using an associate score can be more difficult for you to understand at first but it’s the best way to create a personality type quiz.
Access our free personality quiz planner template here.

Pros of creating a personality quiz
- Personality quizzes are fun, everyone loves to find out more about themselves
- Personality quizzes often get shared much more than other kinds of quizzes
Cons of creating a personality quiz
- Personality quizzes can take a lot of planning to ensure they work correctly
- You might need to pay for quiz software in order to build a high quality personality quiz
Trivia quiz or pub quiz
Who doesn’t love a good trivia quiz or pub quiz? It gets your brain working and it’s a great activity to do with friends.
You might think making a trivia quiz would be pretty straightforward, but some trivia quizzes vary their questions and answers a lot to keep it interesting and engaging.

Let’s look at some of the most popular types of questions to ask in a trivia quiz.
Simple questions (correct or incorrect)
“What is the capital of Bolivia?”
“Who wrote the book Lord of the flies?”
“What year was Elon Musk born?”
As you can see, these questions are simple and easy to score. You either have the correct answer or you don’t
Order questions
“Put these albums in the correct order they were released in”
“Put these Kings in the correct order based on when they where on the throne”
“In poker, list the strength of these 4 hands starting with the weakest”
These questions are more tricky to answer and take some extra brain power. You could also choose to award points if participants get some (but not all) of the answers correct.
Picture questions
“Can you name these 5 celebrities from the 50’s?”
“Can you identify these 10 companies from their logos?
“Can you name these animated characters?”
Be aware, you may need some extra printed or online materials in order to hand these out. Much like the Order questions above, you could choose to assign partial points if participants get some of the answers correct.
To keep your trivia quiz fun, use a nice mix of these different types of questions.
Access our free trivia quiz planner template here.

Pros of creating a trivia quiz
- Trivia quizzes are fun and everyone loves to take part
- You can have a mix of questions and categories to keep people engaged for longer
Cons of creating a trivia quiz
- Trivia quizzes are usually longer and use a mixture of question types which means it is time-consuming to put this type of quiz together
- You will usually need to provide extra content (printed or downloadable) so that everyone has access and can take part in the quiz
Business Lead generation quiz
Quizzes can also be used by businesses to educate, inform and entertain their audience. An online quiz is a fun and interactive way to engage your potential customers before they decide to work with you.

Examples of business quizzes you could make
- “Get your Business Health Check” Might be used by an accountant
- “Get your Website Score” Could be used by a web designer
- “Get your Business Growth Forecast” Could be used by a business coach
Notice that all of these examples sound valuable, which is important. Rather than saying “Take the quiz”, we’re making it sound more beneficial to the business owner.
Business owners are usually very busy people so they won’t have time to sit around and take pointless quizzes for the sake of it. Just keep this in mind when it comes to naming your quiz and explaining the benefits.
How to make a quiz for your business
Although business quizzes are still fun for the participant, the purpose of a lead generation quiz is slightly different. A business quiz will allow you to:
- Attract consistent warm leads to your business
- Educate your audience and build trust with them before they buy
- Build a database of potential customers you can market to in the future
- Provide valuable content based on how they scored in the quiz
Business Quiz Scoring
Much like the trivia quiz, business quizzes often use different types of questions within the quiz to keep it engaging. You also don’t have to use a scoring system for every single question. For instance:
- Some questions will have a score attached so you can grade your audience
- Some questions will simply give you a better idea about your customers
- Some questions will give you an insight into their budget or current marketing spend
Ultimately, a business quiz will allow you to learn more about your leads so you can make your messaging more tailored to your audience.
Types of questions to ask when making a business quiz
- Yes or No questions. E.g. “Do you plan out your day the night before”
- Scale questions. E.g. “On a scale between 1 and 5, how good are you at…”
- Multiple choice. E.g. “Which of these best describes you?”
- Open text questions. E.g. “What industry are you in?
You can easily build a quiz for your business using quiz software like ScoreApp. It will help you generate more leads and you can see a lot of data about the leads you’re attracting.
Access our FREE business quiz template here.

Pros of creating a Lead Generation Quiz
- It’s fun and different from your competitors
- It will allow you to attract more leads to your business
- It’s a great way to provide personalised advice without giving up your time
Cons of creating a Lead Generation Quiz
- You will need to invest some money to get a high quality quiz builder
- It can take some time to build a really good quiz, but it’s worth it
Ecommerce Quiz
Do you sell products directly to customers online? You could use a quiz to help people choose the right product for them.
No matter what you sell, customers can often get confused when shopping online and can sometimes make the wrong buying decision. A quiz can help in a number of ways such as:
- Helping customers to choose the best product for their needs
- Helping you promote certain products that customers aren’t aware of
- Helping you to prevent returns and complaints by recommending the most relevant products
How to make a quiz for an ecommerce website
Ecommerce quizzes work similarly to personality quizzes (where you start with the end in mind) but rather than have 5 or 6 outcomes, you would have categories of products instead. Each category could include 10+ products if you wish as long as they’re all relevant.
Here’s how you do it.
Step 1 – Create your categories first. Decide how many categories you want to use to house all your product recommendations. This will depend on how many products you have.
For example, if you sell sofas, you might use the following categories for the final recommendations.
- Leather
- Fabric
- 3 seaters
- 2 seaters
- L-shaped
- Recliner
Step 2 – Decide which products fit within each category. Naturally, some products will be included in more than one category. For example, you could have a leather sofa that is also a 3-seater.
Step 3 – Choose a series of questions that will help you understand which products are best for your audience.
Example quiz questions
- Do you have young children who like to muddy the house up?
- Do you have pets who like lots of cuddles?
- How many people do you host on movie night?
These questions are fun to answer and will help you place these people into the categories above.
Step 4 – You will need to assign an associate score so that each answer provided can be associated with the most relevant category for your customers.
Access our FREE Ecommerce quiz template here.

Pros of creating an Ecommerce Quiz
- It’s fun and different from your competitors
- It will allow you to attract more potential customers
- It will help you recommend the most relevant products
Cons of creating an Ecommerce Quiz
- Customers aren’t used to taking a quiz on an ecommerce website so it might not convert as well as a “discount code” lead magnet
- It can take some time to build a really good quiz
Rules to follow when making a quiz
Now that we’ve discussed all of the popular quiz types you could make, I wanted to leave you with a few simple rules that will make your quiz as fun and engaging as possible.
1. Use Simple language
Keep your questions simple and easy to understand. Always use the simplest version of the question rather than adding unnecessary bloat.
2. Use a variety of topics
Keep your quiz participants engaged for longer by mixing up the topics and using different categories or questions.
3. Always consider the order of your questions
Try to mix up the order of the questions so people stick around for longer. For instance, alternate easy questions and difficult questions to give your quiz participants a mental break.
4. Use a variety of answer types
Where possible use a variety of answer types to keep things interesting. For instance, a trivia quiz might use images and music. If you’re building an online quiz for your business, you could use multiple choice along with a clickable scale (from 1-5)
5. Make your quiz fun
Nobody likes a boring quiz. Always try to make your quiz entertaining and fun for your audience to keep them engaged for longer.
Make a quiz today
I’m sure after reading this article, you have all the information you need to create an amazing quiz. Access the templates most relevant to you and have fun in the process.
If you want to build a remarkable quiz for your business then check out ScoreApp. You can try it FREE for 14 days and build your own amazing quiz and start generating more qualified leads today.