
Create A Social Media Battle Plan That Maximises Lead Gen Results

Create A Social Media Battle Plan That Maximises Lead Gen Results

To get the best lead generation results from your social media presence you need a comprehensive and unbreakable battle plan – not a scattergun approach. 

Here’s how to create a strategy built around your main lead magnet that accounts for the diversity of social media platforms. Meet your audience at their preferred digital hangouts, with exactly the right content to signpost the next step on their customer journey

Creating different types of content around your lead magnet

Your social media battle plan is built around your lead magnet(s). It’s the final destination for your audience and the content burst you create around it is what carries them there. 

It doesn’t matter what your main lead magnet is – a quiz, waitlist, video mini-course, podcast, webinar – your content starts there. You’re using the expertise you share in your lead magnet and looking at it through a social media lens.

Think about creating a consistent stream of authoritative content to attack the algorithms and always be front of mind. 

Blog posts based on pillar content

Start with writing blog posts based on the 6 pillar content concepts:

  • ‘Biggest mistakes people make when…’
  • ‘3 top tips to…’
  • ‘Common myths about…’
  • ‘5 steps to…’
  • ‘10 benefits of…’
  • ‘7 problems with…’

This amounts to a considerable number of in-depth articles around your topic area. For example, your lead magnet is a quiz that gives your audience insights based on 5 distinct sections. Write your 6 pieces of pillar content for each of those areas and you’ve got 30 articles! 

This gives your audience the deeper level, consistently valuable content they’re looking for. The actual content creation process is simplified by having one specific focus – the topic of  your lead magnet. 

Covering different aspects of the same topic gives Google evidence of your authority in this area and boosts your rankings for the topic. Brace yourself for a surge in organic traffic and lovely warm leads that turn into sales. 

Transformation time! 

You’ve created a wealth of valuable articles. Now what other types of lead generating content can you transform them into? 

Take 1 of the blog articles and create:

  • An in-depth long-form video
  • Short-form videos of selected snippets of wisdom
  • Series of tweets
  • Condensed version for a long-form LinkedIn post
  • Carousel of the highlights
  • Infographics that summarise the main ideas
  • Images that represent the key conclusion 
  • Podcast chat on the topic

That’s from just 1 of the articles – and you still have 29 more to go! 

There’s no shortage of ideas, all built around the same lead magnet, and ready to be distributed on the right social media platform. 

Matching the content to the platform

Each social media platform has its own identity and the users are there because they prefer that format. 

Sounds obvious, but you need to meet your audiences’ expectations of their experience on the platform, as well as your brand, during any interaction on social media. 

This means considering:

  • Structure: Is the platform text or image based? Do people go there mostly to watch videos?  
  • Relevance: Is the content you’re producing relevant to your audience?
  • Timing: Are you posting at the best time to get eyes on your content? Having a global audience adds an interesting layer here and can take some testing. 
  • Formatting: Are you using the right image size and video orientation for each platform? What’s the character limit for captions and posts?  Details like this are crucial to your audience’s experience with your content and the amount of engagement it generates. 
  • Brand voice: How do you adapt the tone of your brand’s voice to match the expectation of interactions there? 
  • Measuring: What data are you going to collect to assess the success of your social media battle plan? 
  • Trends: How are you going to incorporate different types of trends to your benefit? Including shooting star, ‘everyone’s talking about it for a minute then it’s forgotten forever’ and longer term, ‘deep roots, steadily growing’ trends. How do people communicate this on different platforms? For example, which ones are hashtag-friendly or have trending audio?

Top tips for the main social media platforms

Each platform has its own rules, quirks, and signifiers of successful engagement. It makes sense to create content with these parameters in mind. 

  • Instagram: All about the visuals! It’s not just professional videos and photography now. Get your memes, text graphics, infographics, screenshots, whatever other images your imagination creates on there! Instagram reels is perfect for short-form videos. 
  • Pinterest: All about the ideas! Users want content that inspires, educates or motivates them here. 
  • Facebook: Jack of all trades! You’ll get every type of content on there: long-form videos, text, images. See what works best with your audience. 
  • Twitter/X: Words please! It’s not the entirely text-based platform it started as. Gifs, videos and other images often do well on there now – especially a trending meme! It’s still mostly the place for text-based conversations and sharing bite-sized chunks of info. 
  • LinkedIn: B2B focus! Wear your suit when you’re posting here (not really!). Word and image combinations work well. Best place for building your reputation as a key person of influence in your industry. 
  • TikTok: All the videos! Famous for short-form, add your long-form videos and your podcast audio here too. 
  • YouTube: All the videos! People still expect to find their long-form video content here. YouTube Shorts is a great addition to the platform for your short-form videos and you can put your podcast on this platform too. 
  • Reddit: Q&A central. Great for getting involved in genuine conversations with potential clients and starting to solve their pain points in a conversational environment.  

5-step social sharing strategy for lead magnet promotion

There are several steps to create a battle plan to share your amazing content all over social media to get more leads

1. Goals

What are you aiming for with this social media investment? Do you want to boost your email list? Prequalify your leads more effectively? Increase brand awareness or engagement? Establish what success is going to look like before you start sharing anything.

2. Platform

If you want your audience to find your lead magnet, you need to know which social media platforms they hang out on. That’s the first step. Use a quiz to do some market research, if you’re not entirely sure where to focus your efforts. 

3. Content

Create the right type of content for each platform, based on topics your audience will find irresistible. 

4. Promotion

Link your main lead magnet in your bios! Maybe do a lead magnet exchange based on follower numbers. Involve any influencer connections  you have. If it’s successful organically, maybe consider paid ads on particular platforms. Share, share, share!

5. Analyse

Look at your social media metrics regularly and adjust according to your data insights. Do more of what performs best on each platform and with your audience.

As you layer-up your lead magnet with all this targeted, tailored content, brace yourself for an onslaught of leads! You need this strategic approach to social media to build-in success to your content creation.

It doesn’t stop you jumping on relevant trends or writing off-the-cuff posts. But they’re more the sugar on the top, rather than the strong cake foundation.

Create the perfect lead magnets for social media sharing with ScoreApp 

You’ve got your social media lead generation battle plan outline. Now ScoreApp takes all the heavy lifting out of creating the most shareable lead magnets you can imagine. From landing pages, to follow up email sequences – and literally everything you need in between. 

Make your first ScoreApp lead magnet today – for free!

If you’re already a ScoreApp subscriber, get yourself on the waitlist for our immense Lead Generation Toolkit. This is free with your membership and gives you an ever-increasing range of tools to take your lead generation to the next level.

About the author
Jamie Page
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