Darren Finklestein – CEO & Founder, Tick Those Boxes, Author, Mentor & Speaker – One of Australia’s Leading Accountability coaches and business advisors.
Darren Finklestein – CEO & Founder, Tick Those Boxes, Author, Mentor & Speaker – One of Australia’s Leading Accountability coaches and business advisors.
Tick Those Boxes works with high performing coaches, executives and their teams to ensure full accountability and execution in meeting their goals.
In the first 30 days ‘Tick Those Boxes’ generated $60,000 directly from their Scorecard.
“The Results have been REMARKABLE” – Darren Finkelstein, CEO & Founder.
The Challenge
Like any service based businesses, finding the right audience, identifying the problem and communicating the value you bring is the holy grail of generating sales.
As a very accomplished professional, Darren is well respected and visible within his field. But even with such a great brand reputation, Darren is always looking at ways to improve the sales process.
Darren and his team wanted a more robust system that will consistently generate leads and provide a clear ROI.
The Solution
Tick Those Boxes launched ‘The Accountability Scorecard’ that assesses coaches and executive teams on how accountable they are when it comes to working towards their goals.
Now fully set up, the Accountability Scorecard has created an online asset for the business that is perfect for running ads too, personalising their message and automatically working in the background.
It works seamlessly with their website branding, connects to their CRM system and filters through into their email nurture campaign automatically.
Focusing on adding value through the results page, they have broken down your scores to provide tailored insights and highlighted areas for improvement. As a bonus for taking the scorecard you’re offered 50 % off of ‘The Accountability Advantage’ book and a FREE 60 minute discovery call.

But they do not stop there…
One of the highlights of taking this scorecard is the fully customised 19 page PDF report that is delivered into your inbox upon completion. Jam packed with value that highlights Darrens team as the industry leaders and provides tangible next steps.
Tick Those Boxes used a mixed strategy of paid and organic marketing.
They decided to leverage Facebook advertising with $10 a day on ad spend (total $300 a month)
The advert asked ‘How accountable are you?’ that Darren felt would trigger interest and align with the messaging of his scorecard.
From the ads over the first 30 days it generated 1,702 landing page visitors.
Organic advertising consisted of Website banner and multiple touch points, CTA in his book, signature on email, on all social and at the end of videos.
The Results
Within his first 30 days:
75 completed the scorecard
3 mins average completion time
X5 Booked Discovery calls
X4 new clients on their $15,000 package
Which is an 80% conversion rate
Resulting in $60,000 worth of new business.
” It’s bloody fantastic, you’ve got to get yourself ScoreApp it’s fantastic ” – said Darren